Chapter 78: Don't Forgive Him So Easily

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Translator: YTJS_  Editor: Perriemix

After all her work was done, Ye Jiayao walked out of Heavenly Residence with a small box clutched tightly in her arms. She got the box from Shopkeeper Li who gave it to her to keep the crown prince’s calligraphy in.

When she reached the intersection, she stopped in her tracks, unsure whether to head to Laifu Motel or Ruyi Motel. Xia Chunyu told her that Liu Li was not going to bother her anytime soon, so returning to Laifu should not be a problem, right?

Song Qi appeared out of nowhere. “Sister-in-law.”

Ye Jiayao winced and rubbed her ears. That address was making her feel awkward since she no longer has anything to do with Xia Chunyu.

“Song Qi, can you please stop calling me that? The next time you call me that, I’m going to ignore you.” Ye Jiayao’s annoyance was clear in her tone.

“What should I call you, then?” Song Qi genuinely didn’t know what to call her anymore. Miss Ye? Young Master Li?

“Just call me Brother Yao like what everyone else does.”

Song Qi, unsure, called weakly, “Alright… Brother Yao.”

Ye Jiayao smiled. That was much better.

“Brother Yao, for your safety, the Heir-Son Lord has ordered for you to continue staying in Ruyi. You can move back to Laifu Motel when the news in the palace is confirmed,” Song Qi told her.

Ye Jiayao followed Song Qi to Ruyi Motel without protest. For this instance, she would do as she was told. Many people have been bothered just to ensure her safety, she didn’t wish to bring any more inconvenience to people.

Randomly, a thought popped into Ye Jiayao’s mind. She asked Song Qi, “Are you still playing Double?”

Laughingly, Song Qi replied, “Of course! Most of the people in the mansion now know how to play. Ha! I even got a lecture when the housekeeper told the madam of what we were keeping busy with. But, guess what did Heir-Son Lord told the madam when she complained to him?”

“Hmmm, did he tell her to leave you be because he finds it quite fun?” Ye Jiayao said sarcastically.  Yeah, right.  Chunyu was a buzzkill of the highest order.

“Brother Yao, how did you know?” Song Qi was surprised.

Ye Jiayao blinked at him momentarily.  What?

“Madam was quite shocked with how Heir-Son Lord answered her. She lamented that his stay up the mountains for half a year has corrupted him,” Song Qi relayed.

“What happened after that?” Ye Jiayao asked.

“After that… well, I heard that Madam plays with the mistresses secretly. Sometimes, she would even drag Heir-Son Lord, and if he refuses to go, he would get a scolding from her.”

Ye Jiayao could not hold her laughter in. Chunyu’s mother sounded amusing.

Suddenly, Song Qi sobered up. “Brother Yao, um, there is something that I have to tell you.”

Ye Jiayao smiled encouragingly. “Shoot.”

“Do you remember the vat of preserved eggs you made just before… everything got chaotic?Ever since we left the mountains, thinking that you’re already dead, Heir-Son Lord had been lost. For the longest time, he wasn’t able to eat very well. The chef in the mansion tried different techniques and cuisines, but the most we could get Heir-Son Lord to eat was a few bites. Everyone thought that he was ill. Madam was so anxious that she got the Imperial physician to look over him over and over again…”

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