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Welcome to O'Block

              MY'AIRI HOOVER

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              MY'AIRI HOOVER

"Cousinnn!" I heard my cousin Mikaela exclaimed as she walked into my room. I had just moved to Chicago with my mother and infant brother and Mikaela was here to greet me and show me around.

We stayed just minutes away from each other. I lived on 64th and King Drive and she lived on 63rd and St Lawerence. Even though she's my favorite cousin we're polar opposites. Mikaela is loud and outgoing and I'm shy and quiet.

"Hey Mikaela." I spoke lowly hugging her back. Me and Mikaela are so close because our birthdays are so close and we just grew so fond of each other.

"You ready for me to show you around?" She asked caressing my cheek. I nodded my head slowly standing up putting in my white and gray crocs.

She smiled faintly at me as I smiled back. She grabbed my hand as we exited my room towards the front door. My mom had left to take my brother Kaiseem to the doctor for his monthly check up.

Me and Mikaela exited out the door leaving the apartments. Kids flooded the streets riding bikes and jumping rope. They all swarmed like bees when they heard the toons of the ice cream truck.

"Welcome to O'Block." Mikaela simply said as we continued walking.

"Why is it called ' o'block '?" I questioned curiously looking at Mikaela.

"You see that apartment building right there?" She asked pointing to a building close to mine. I nodded my head. "This boy named Odee used to live there. He was a good person. Your average hood dude. He was apart of the Bds. He got shot in the neck a few years ago and died. To keep his legacy going they named it o'block."

I nodded my head as we continued walking before we stopped at the building she pointed at. Tons of dudes stood out front of the building making me nervous. Simply because I don't like being around people I don't know.

"Mikaela what the fuck you doing over here?" One of the males asked looking at Mikaela with a death stare. "You 63rd hoes need to stay where y'all at."

"Deuce chill out." She spoke simply. "My cousin just moved over here and I'm tryna show her around."

"You and yo' opp ass cousin can go back over there." He said again. "Peon' ass bitches."

I frowned because he added and 's' meaning he was saying plural talking about the both of us. I don't even know what's going on. I don't even know him.

"My cousin lives right ther—" Mikaela tried explaining before getting cut off.

"Wassup gang." A tall slender bow legged boy spoke clasping hands with Deuce before turning his head to me and Mikaela. "What the fuck are you doing over here? You know we don't fuck with your kind."

"Von I'm just trying to show my little cousin around." She spoke throwing her hands up. She said little like in years younger than her. Her birthday is literally a week before mines.

"Fuck you and yo' bitch ass cousin." He spoke harshly mugging me and Mikaela. Why the fuck do they keep bringing me into this? I have nothing to do with what's going on.

"Von ease up on her. She just moved over here." Mikaela spoke defending my honor. "And stop putting me in y'all beef. I just live over there. Whatever y'all got going on ain't got shit to do with me."

"Fuck you,fuck yo cousin,fuck that house you live in on that opp ass block,fuck everybody you cool with on that opp ass block,fuck 63rd." He spoke looking directly into our eyes making me look down. "Now take yo' opp ass back where you can from."

"Come on Mymy we gon go back to your house." Mikaela spoke grabbing my hand as the boys mugged us as we walked away.

"FUCK 63rd!" I heard someone yell as we walked away.


im deleting the other one i like this one better🧚🏽.

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