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(Two weeks later)

Welcome to O'Block(Two weeks later)

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"Kai can you stop crying for sissy? Please?" I questioned cradling my baby brother. I sighed lowly before turning my hearing aid off. I turned it back on once I seen him calming down and yawning. "I love you."

I softly held Kai before walking him into my moms room seeing her watching Menace II Society.

"Hi mommy." I said laying Kai in her bed.

"Hey my angel baby." She spoke caressing my cheek.

"Do you want anything from the store?" I asked softly smiling at her.

"Yeah. Get me some air heads and a orange crush. You need some money?" She asked grabbing her purse.

"No it's ok I got it." I spoke kissing Kai's cheek softly. "I'll be back in 15 minutes."

I walked out of her room slipping on my pink crocs. I walked out of our apartment locking the bottom lock. I walked out the doors of the building. I took my hearing aid out replacing it with my AirPod.

When I was 6 I was diagnosed death in my left ear and there was a possibility that I would lose hearing in my right ear one day. I felt like it was coming soon because there would be days where I would have my hearing aid out and my mother would be talking to me and I can't hear it at all.

I pressed shuffle play on Musi as Like I Want You x Giveon can on. I felt the vibration in my left ear and heard the actual music in my right. Barely though. I just continued walking to my destination before I felt my shoulder get gripped.

"My'Airi I know you heard me calling you." Von scolded snatching my AirPods out. "Fuck you death or some?!"

I just looked into his eyes as tears welled mine. I know he didn't know but that still hurt. I slowly nodded my head putting my hearing aid back in wiping my forming tears.

"If you must know I am." I spoke trying to walk away.

"Stop." He spoke gripping my waist pulling me into his chest. I just let the tears fall. I just wanted to be regular so bad. In due time I'll lose hearing in my right ear and that's something I do not wanna prepare for. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I spoke trying to get out of his grip. He only gripped me tighter rocking me side to side.

"I'm sorry." He spoke looking down at me. I just nodded as more tears came. "Come to my car lil folks."

He grabbed my hand guiding me to his car parked in front of the apartments where he's always at. He went to the passenger side opening the door for me. I got in before crying into my hands.

"Stop crying My'Airi." Von spoke rubbing my back.

"Why can't I be normal like you,mikaela,or Kayla?" I questioned crying harder. "I'm the only one in my entire family that has to go through this. Can you imagine being the only death person in your entire family? Can you imagine having to learn ASL in the first grade? Can you imagine having to prepare to lose hearing in your right ear? Imagine not having your hearing aid in, still having slight hearing in your right ear and people having to wave in your face or hit things to get your attention. This shit is so unfair."

"But that's why I like you." Von spoke lifting up my chin. "Cause you not normal and that's what I like about you."

"You like me?" I asked wiping my tears. Most people in Jacksonville found me unattractive because I was quiet and not loud like the other girls.

"Yeah I like you lil folks." He spoke looking down at my lips. He leaned in slowly before placing his lips on mine. This was my first kiss so I jus closed my eyes and slowly followed his lead.

About thirty seconds later I opened my eyes seeing him staring directly at me making me pull away.

"Why are you staring at me? Did I do something wrong?" I questioned looking away from him.

"Nawl lil folks." He laughed. "Ion trust no bitch."

I nodded my head slowly. "I have to go to the store." I spoke pushing my glasses up.

He nodded his head before pulling off.


not three updates in one day🧍🏾‍♀️.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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