×...×The Runaway×...×

75 3 2

(Third Person/Your Pov)
(((A/n: I don't know-)))


"WAKE UP YOU BI***!!!!!"

I wake up to the booming voice of my mother from outside the door to my room, if that is what you call it.
I get up and get dressed and got ready for another painful day of beatings.
I was abused, all my life I have been, I never even knew why this even started, I only knew I was adopted by these two people I have to call mother and father.
As I got out of my room, which was a cupboard in the kitchen, I was pulled by my messy (Hair Length/H/l) hair, and draged to my first beating of the day.

(🚧 Abuse warning! Skip if you are uncomfortable reading this stuff!🚧)

My mother threw me onto the floor, and started kicking me in the ribs with her high heels on, as my father grabbed a empty wine bottle and smashed it over my head, I was numb and just let it happen, I was all too used to this, but something new happened, my mother suddenly stabbed my arm with a literal knife, I winced at the new occurrence of attack, father stopped and looked at her with disapproval, he said, "I told you not to bruise the arms or legs!! We don't want to get caught!!!" in a scolding voice. Mother actually face palmed and said, "Do we even have a big event happening? No! So it doesn't matter!".
They ended up letting me go early to go cook breakfast.

(🚧Abuse Over Now! Continue reading!🚧)

I was cooking and now looking at my body, covered in bruises and a stabbed wound, new scars and old ones, I never was treated right, I was treated terribly.
My parents would abuse me all day and all night, everyday.
Make me do their work, like cleaning the house top to bottom, washing dishes, making all the food and never get some myself, shop for food, father's wine and mother's beer.
But I have had enough of this.
I will get out of here no matter what it takes this time.
I just had to wait till nighttime.

[Time skip to night fall, brought to you by Japan and Greece talking about cats-]

As night falls,
I packed all the little stuff I had into a little bag that was used for shopping stuff, and all I had was a small alarm clock, a raggedy and ripped blanket, a broken toy, and my only other set of clothing.
As I got out of the cupboard, I quietly got close to the main door, but I accidentally knocked over to glass bottle that was near me, and before I was able to catch it, in hit the ground, and then woke up my drunk and abusive father.
I unlocked the door very quickly, and ran as fast as my tiny legs could take me as my father chased me down the streets yelling stuff I couldn't hear anymore.
My bare feet was in pain because I never ran on the pavement before.

As I made many turns to escape my father I almost ran into a dead end, but kept going somewhere away from him.

After what felt like hours of running, I realized I lost my father, I went to a empty tomato crate that was near a big building, and got into it.
I grabbed my ragged blanket and put it over me, and decided to take a little nap because I had no more strength to run.

Little did I know that something was going to happen to me that will change my life for good.

(((*621 words*)))

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