×...×My Savior?×...×

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(??? Pov)

I was in a middle of a "important meeting" that I was sick to the bone with, I decided to just leave without them seeing me go.
As I left the building, something caught my eye.
I saw a small tomato crate with a ripped blanket on top.
I thought I could get a tomato.
When I went up to it and move the blanket off, I saw the most heart breaking sight.

A little Bambino.
Sleeping in the tomato crate.

Honestly, if it was a adult or something, I would of been annoyed.

But a Bambino.

This shaddered my once angry heart, I had to get the little one to warmth.
I placed the ripped blanket back on the Ragazza, and picked up the tomato crate and brought it inside the building I literally just left.

[A very small time skip, brought to you by a America running away from England with a invisible unicorn!]

(Your Pov)

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was inside.
"I didn't escape him..." I thought sadly, but then realized the place looked nothing like home, I was scared.
I sat up from the tomato crate and saw strange people infront of me, not noticing I was awake.
The first person I noticed, was a brunette male with a odd hair curl that was to his right, beautiful yellow amber eyes, wearing a tan suit or something.
Then I saw two other brunette males, one that looked like the first person but the hair curl was on the other side of him and I couldn't see his eyes, and he also wearing a blue suit or something, the last brunette male I saw had slightly messy hair, very shiny green eyes, was wearing a light brown suit.
I only paid any attention to the three brunettes, the yellow amber eyes person spoke first.

(??? Pov)

"Si, I know it's hard to believe I found the Ragazza, alone in the middle of the night, sleeping in a small tomato crate." I said sternly, yet quietly so I didn't wake the Bambino. But then I got really irritated when a specific obnoxious loud blonde kept yelling, "How come we should believe you?! You probably kidnapped the kid!!!!" The blonde screamed. Then the familiar voice to me, then whispered yelled, "Why would my fratello do anything like that?! He may seem mean but he really is nice when you are on his good side!!"
I really sometimes love my fratello, he really just defended me.
"One, america please quiet down you might actually wake the little kid up, two, I actually believe the Italians, they don't look like the kinds that kidnap kids." A bushy eyebrow person said.

That's when I noticed.
The Bambino was looking at us.

(Your Pov)
(((A/n sorry for so many Pov switching!! ;-;)))

I was nervous when the loud blonde yelled, but that was the least of my worries, I realized I was spotted.
In instinct, I hid under my ripped and ragged blanket.
I heard one of them shushing the others.
Then I heard foot steps get closer to me, I knew what was about to come.
A person lifted my blanket softly, which was odd to me, and I saw the person.
It was the first person I saw, that wasn't my parents.
The person lifted his hand up, I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for impact, but then I felt something on my head, when I open my eyes I saw his hand on my head, now rubbing his hand on my head, I felt, something different, I didn't know why but I grabbed his hand and made sure it was staying on my head.
Then the loud blonde laughed so loud, I got nervous then suddenly hugged the person that had his hand on my head's arm.
He suddenly picked me up and held me, I felt something I haven't felt in so long.

I felt safe.

The person that held me said, "Would you just shut up for 37 minutes, please?!" in a whisper yelling tone.
I just held the person's suit thing, feeling way safer with him.

I didn't want to leave the nice angry italian.

(((*704 Words*)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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