1# How you meet

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How you meet

Aaron Hotchner:
It's just a normal workday for you. "Next please", your secretary say, while you disinfect the table. A man with his son enters the room. "What can I do for you?", you ask the little boy. He looks a little scared. "My name is Aaron Hotchner and this is my son Jack", his father introduces himself. Before you can tell them your name Jack puts a cage on the table. "I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). And who is this?", you ask him friendly. "This is speedy my hamster", he answers. You take the animal out of his cage.
"He gains weight and eats a lot more, but don't want to run or move", Aaron explains the problem. "I'll take care of your speedy. Please take a seat", you say with a smile. The medical examination doesn't take long, but you have exciting news.
"Speedy is alright, but your boy is a girl and pregnant", you say to the two men. "Oh, that makes sense", Aaron mumbles surprised. "Cool!", Jack shines like the sun. "Come again in two or three weeks. Only for checking if everything is okay", you give them a new appointment. "We will be here", Aaron smiles and you're blush.
Derek Morgan:
With a sigh you dry the glasses. "What should I do so I can see your beautiful smile", you hear someone ask. You raise your head. "Um...What?", you mumble. The man leans on the counter. "I want to see your beautiful smile", he repeats his sentence. "Nice...I need a break", you say uninterested and turn away, "Maybe you can talk with the glasses." You leave the room through the door behind. "What?! Wait!", he tries to stop you. "Only for personal. Stay here!", an another employee keep him back. "But where does she go?", the man asks the woman. She just shrugs her shoulders. "Damn!", he curses and leaves the bar. You stay outside and drink from your beer bottle. "Hey, beauty!", the man tries his luck again. "You're really stubborn. What's your name?", you give up. "Derek Morgan, what about you?" he answers with a irresistible smile. "I didn't say that I tell you my name. If you're serious then you should think about something else. I'm not a fan of nicknames and pickup lines. I have to work. See ya, Derek!", you reply honestly. Without a further word you turn away and enter the bar. "Alright. Challenge accepted", the FBI agent mumbles with a grin.
David Rossi:
You're in your lunch break in the park. You enjoy the sun on your skin and the feeling of freedom. A young man sits next to you on the bench. You don't notice him. Not until he runs away like a crazed. Your purse is gone. "No! A thief!", you scream and try to follow the young man, but he's too fast for you. With a sigh you stop and the tears are close. This isn't your day.
Suddenly you hear a loud shriek. The thief was caught by another man. You raise surprised your eyebrows as your saviour pulls out handcuffs. "What the...", you whisper. "I'm David Rossi, but you can call me Dave. I think this is your purse", he introduces himself and gives you your purse. "Thank you so much, but are you a police officer?", you ask him interested. "Um...Not really. Behavioral Analysis Unit or short BAU", Dave explains with a smile. "I've heard of your team. My name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). May I invite you for a coffee, 'cause you saved my purse", you tell him your name.
"I would like to accept this offer, but the work calls", he says with a nod to the thief on the ground. "Sure, sorry. Please call me. I would like to return the favor", you nod and give him a business card from you. "With pleasure. Have a nice day", Dave smiles and walks away with the thief.
Spencer Reid:
Today it's that time again. An emergency after another. You're the leader of the bomb disposal team. "Sometimes I hate my job", your partner named Beany mumbles. "You could have become a construction worker, but this was your decision", you answer with a grin on your face. "Tomorrow is Christmas. I don't wanna die!", he replies. You just shrug your shoulders. "Concentration and nothing will happen. Alright?", you try to cheer him up.
"(Y/L/N)?", you hear your name. You raise confused your eyebrows. "FBI?", you ask the man in front of you. He nods and shakes your hand. "My name is Aaron Hotchner. My team and I have the plans for the house, 'cause it's our case. Please follow me", he introduces himself. "Why so formal?", you ask him with a smile, "You can call me (Y/nickname)." Beany thrusts his elbow in your side. He shakes his head."This is Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi and Doctor Spencer Reid", Aaron introduces his team. "Hi!", you say cheerful in the round. You get quickly the plans, which you need. The bomb is defused after a few minutes.
"Really good job! (Y/NN)!", Derek congratulates and puts his arm around you. Spencer looks sulkily, but you don't realize it.

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