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In the heart of London, lay Diagon Alley, a bustling shopping district catered to the wizarding world concealed right under the noses of muggles. And every non-muggle-born knew the place like the back of their hand. Y/n found the place marvelous, all because of how much it proved that muggles were so stuck in their own lives to not find something that was right beside them.

The place felt more vibrant on that particular day. And Y/n couldn't help but feel warm within as well, because this was no ordinary visit. She was there shopping for supplies as a new Hogwarts student, having finally turned eleven years old. Though, it felt odd for the young witch, having never been around so many children of her age before.

 "Stop gawking and get a move on", A voice sternly commanded her, nudging her down the street. Y/n stumbled a little over her step before complying, a stray glare thrown at the man. Aunt Narcissa blocked her from Lucius's view just in time, shaking her head subtly at the child. Y/n kicked a pebble with a pout. Narcissa held her hand out wordlessly as the crowd grew and the distance between Lucius,Draco, and them widened. They first stopped at Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions. The usually chatty Madam Malkins stayed awfully quiet for the entirety of the Malfoy's visit. And Y/n had an inkling it had to do with Lucius's once-in-a-blue-moon appearance. The blood purity lecture he gave the two children did not help, either. Y/n droned most of it out. It wasn't anything new to what she had been drilled with since the moment she graced the world with her existence.

Though, she wasn't sure why he was telling this to them while they got their robes fitted in. And why she was being included. She wasn't a Malfoy and Lucius never missed an opportunity to remind her so. If it hadn't been for Aunt Cissy, she wouldn't nearly have the adult supervision needed in her life, as she currently did. She sighed and waited for it to be over.

 It had felt like a decade had passed by the time they made it to Ollivanders. Neither Y/n nor Draco could hold in their excitement and barged into the cluttered shop, only to find Mr. Ollivander nowhere.

Y/n was slightly disappointed, having wanted to have the rambling man greet them.

"Mr. Ollivander! Can we get our wands, please?" Y/n shouted over the counter, her voice echoing through the shop.

"If it isn't dear miss. Y/l/n." the ever-calm voice replied. Soon the wand-maker presented himself.

"Good afte-"

"Hurry up! I want my wand!" Draco interrupted. Y/n nudged him back aside," You are being rude, Draco." Draco scoffed as he looked at his father for support but Narcissa intervened.

"Y/n is right, Draco. Manners are important."

Lucius did not have the patience to deal with petty behaviours and moved up ahead, pushing the two children aside," If you could hurry up, that would be wonderful. We don't have all day."

Ollivander nodded and went back to his shelves upon shelves of wands," Good wands take time to be found, Mr. Malfoy. One can never force such a thing." Lucius forced a strained smile, his cane tapping the wooden floor as they waited. It took a few tries until both the children found their wands, and not without having half the shop destroyed but that never seemed to matter to Ollivander. Perhaps that was why he was one of Y/n's favourites.

Once they were back on the cobble-stoned streets, Lucius informed the next stop was the bank. Y/n stopped mid-step," But I don't want to go to Gringotts. We were supposed to go to Magical Menagerie next", the child pouted. It was uncommon for the young witch to speak up against Lucius, which made the brooding man stumble.

"And the last time I checked, I was the adult here, lass." Lucius turned back around as Draco watched uncertainly. Y/n heard a sigh from beside her," Lucius, a moment please." Narciss continued once she had the man's attention," It is pretty late in the afternoon and I'm afraid we might not have time for Magical Menagerie after Gringotts. So how about you go and get the work done while I take the kids there?"

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