chapter 7

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Elvis POV

she finally said it. I love you. And I know she does , even if she doesn't wanna admit it.

"Would you care to dance?" I ask having my hand out for her to take.

"Elvis, you know I don't dance. Right?" She says

"Well, I'm gonna teach you. Weather you like it or not." I smile standind her up. She rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Its real easy. Trust me." I whisper

"I trust you." She smiles I grab her hand and place them around my neck. I put my hands on her waist.

"Then we just, sway." I smile. She sighs with happiness and lays her head on my chest. This moment is perfect. I need to ask her.

"A-Audrey." I start off.

"Hmm." She mumbles.

"Would, you want to be my girlfriend?" I ask. She looks up at me. Smiling, she cups my cheeks.

"I'd be honored." She smiles wide. Then she crashes her lips against mine.

Audrey POV

He asked me!! He asked me to be his. And I was the happiest girl ever.

"Audrey, I also wanna ask if. Um you'd wanna live with me?" He smiles.

"Of course,I don't wanna be away from you." I smile wide. Looking up at him.

"I'm glad we feel the same way." He kisses me hard.

"Elvis, I should tell mother. The good news." I smile. He nods taking my hand.

"Of course." He says. He drives me home and I sigh, I already miss him.

"Mother, I'm home!!" I tell slipping my shoes off.

"How was the date?" She's asks. Mothers.

"It was good. Real good actually. And guess what." I smile sitting on the couch. She whips her hand on the apron.


"He asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squeel.

"Oh, honey. I'm happy for you." She smiles.

"And the best part is. He wants me to live at Graceland!!" I tell her. Soon her smile dies down. She stands up slowly.

"Isn't that great?" I ask with a smile. Following her into the kitchen. She sighs. Sitting down on a chair.

"Come here. " She says. I walk over to her. She holds my hands in hers.

"Sugar, before your mother died. She wantedmw to take you if Anything ever happened." She choked up.

"I know that. You remind me."

" She told me to watch over you. And protect you, I've done that for a long  time now. How am I gonna do that when your living in Graceland, how do I know what your doing?" She asks.

"Are. You saying you don't want me to move?" I ask.

"Honey, I just ... I need to know your safe. I mean, how do you know Elvis will be faithful."

"I , can't believe you. Your suppose to protect me. Not keep me away from the things I love." I say

" Audrey listen to me. I want you to stay until you finish High school. You haven't been there for a week. " She says sternly.

"No. I love him. And there's nothing you can do to stop me." I say. I yank my arm away and run upstairs.

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