Spending time together

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Harley Quinn
You took Harley to carnivals and fun fairs since it matched her personality and she always seemed to love it, since you were quite strong you were able to win her a few prizes which she was more than happy to receive.

Wonder Woman
You and Diana took a little to warm up to each other and even then the rest of the island wasn't happy about your arrival but once you and Diana spent more time together you did adventurous things together like mountain climbing, swimming with sharks and even parachuting although you were a little scared of heights it was reassuring to have Diana by your side holding your hand.

After that first time you met you and this Catwoman couldn't stop bumping into each other until eventually you both planned on meeting on an actually theft properly working together to steal a nice shiny diamond and you would want to spend your time any other way.

Poison Ivy
There was 1 thing you and Ivy shared in common and that was love for nature, so whenever you could you would go out together to a botanical garden and just walk around together you dared to go and hold hands with her and she surprisingly grasped your hand back and she leaned her head on your shoulder just the 2 of you getting lost together.

She would fly to your house and come in through the fire escape side window and you would be waiting for her with a movie and some snacks on the couch she would cuddle next to you and it was a really nice time, considering how bad it started when you met.

Haley Jordan
Since you were both bearers of a lantern ring there wasn't really anything stopping you from travelling anywhere but despite that you both enjoyed training together see whose willpower topped the others Haley would often win but you'd chop it up to the fact she's had the ring longer and she just call you a sore loser.

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