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Tomorrow will be a day off, which means that Teresa again will drag it with Minho  shopping. Yes, it was a kind of tradition, which was repeated every weekend: Teresa necessarily dragged them to the shops, on the way visiting all possible café, which was accompanied by curses Minho , and at the end of the day, Thomas felt like a squeezed lemon. So, tomorrow will be a day off, so on a calm day you could not wish. Thomas frowned. From thinking it pulled out a sharp cry Teresa: "Tom, I feel like I'm talking to you. Do you hear? Thomas nodded. - I suggest you not to go tomorrow in stores... Thomas threw up his hands: - Is it happened, Teresa?! "No," she contentedly looked at immediately drooped Thomas, we go to one bar where I wanted to go Minho .

- Really, darling? - Teresa sugary smiled at her boyfriend, and continued, " And you, Thomas, take a Brenda. he tried to protest , but Teresa pointedly looked at him, " You, Thomas, take a Brenda. - said the girl, looking at each other. Thomas, who long ago realized that Teresa is useless to argue, just waved his hand. "Okay, when and where are we going? We Minho  will stop for you and Brie at five PM. Thomas only again resignedly nodded, and stared at the mug of coffee he was holding in his hands. Generally what they are practicing students, journalists, gave additional output, it was very strange. Not that it was bad, but Thomas seemed that this little break before something big. This though was the calm before the storm... Thomas and his friends finished the last course of his University, and already had practice in the same publishing house, where she wanted to get a job. Usually they were given small assignments, for example, to edit some little article, or to write a small note. But several times they were given and large jobs, and then they all went somewhere, wrote articles, took photos... was doing my job. While it was not too difficult job is to make the report from Park, writing someone's biography. But haven't they asked to interview, and that Thomas was desperately afraid. Friends knew that for making them they have only one job, the most difficult. And they suspected that the interview will be their last job. Today they brought to the assessment of his new little article, and they were in for a surprise in the form of additional weekend. Editor Wes Ball, which they had brought the note, and said to them: "You worked well, guys, and you know that you only have one job. But I decided to give you a breather before him. So, tomorrow you relax and sleep off. And now simetimes here, and I have not seen your sleepy and sour faces at me at work. " And now the guys were sitting in a cafe close to the editorial office, and decided what to do tomorrow. The opportunity to relax very pleased Thomas, but he really wanted a good night's sleep, and plan Teresa -somewhere to go, especially with Brenda, it did not deceive. Brenda was a girl Thomas for a long time, but recently they have more differences of opinion had arisen, so that Thomas did not want too much to meet her. But Theresa Vice versa did everything to reconcile friends, but none of her attempts were unsuccessful. The brand is actually a good girl, but she was too active, and Thomas disliked it very much.


Autumn was in full swing. Beautiful Golden foliage of the trees almost opal, the sky was thick with clouds, and almost every day he was off the rain, so the weather was chilly, but not cold. In the café, in which sat a friends, it was warm, and smelled all sorts of Goodies. From a Cup of coffee, which Thomas was holding, was such a delightful smell that he was forgetting everything, was not listening tarutarus Teresa, and just stared out the window, behind which one could see the dusty street. Today was a surprisingly warm day, as if returned to the town in the summer. Someone shook Thomas , he whirled around and almost spilled coffee itself on jeans. "You're here, Thomas? - Minho  was shaking his shoulder.

- "Oh, Yes, Yes. Just thought. - Something you're too thoughtful today. - Teresa suspiciously squinted his eyes, " Well, go home, boys? Thomas nodded, and stood up from the table, simultaneously tilting in the remainder of the coffee itself. They came out of the café on the street. Thomas took a deep breath -the air was thick and viscous, as it always happens before the rains. It was pretty cool, and it broke the wind, which was dispersed stagnant air. Teresa took Thomas and Minho under the arms, and dragged him along the sidewalk. - Faster, faster. You don't want to be caught in the rain? Teresa with Minho there was nothing to be afraid of rain - about editorial stood jeep girls, where she took Minho home. However, recently they started to live together, so the couple will go straight to Teresa home, unlike Thomas, who had to go to the bus stop, and then another half an hour to go. House Teresa was a completely different side from the house of Thomas, because he had not asked her to ride him. He knew how much the girl complete her car, because she, as he lived only for student scholarships, which they definitely lacked. Teresa faster toting guys behind him, and Thomas could barely keep up with her. It was unbearably hot in that stuffy air, so now is the chance to get under the rain he even smiled.

- Teresa! Stop! - Thomas stopped, his hands on his knees, - Yes, stay away! Minho!

Teresa, who had run a dozen yards turned around.

-Panted, Tom?" she smiled sympathetically. But he said nothing. His attention was attracted by something else. Or rather, someone. Near the door of the editorial office sat a guy with a sign. Thomas frowned, and read: 'help to collect on learning' He looked at the one who actually needed the money for training. It was a boy, about the same with Thomas age. Despite already pretty cool time of the year, he was dressed in a light shirt, which slightly covered his slim fitted jeans, leg. Saying nothing, slowly straightened up and walked over to the guy. He pulled a bill from his wallet and put it in a box, standing next to a sign. The boy raised his head and looked at Thomas. He only opened his mouth and bellowed something unintelligible. In the eyes of the guy was the sun. Yes, Thomas saw them first, such a real joy and hope that it really seemed as if his brown eyes Shine like the sun. But then, briefly flickering happiness disappeared, the eyes of a boy filled with tears and pain. He lowered his head and whispered in a tiny voice:

- Thank you.

It was obvious that it is hard for him to do is to sit and beg for money, some to the homeless. Thomas felt so sorry for this kid, but he knew that now, with his monetary condition, nothing will be able to help him. Because Thomas quickly turned away and strode off after his friends.


- Where have you been? - Teresa had already opened the door of his car, the Look, the rain is about to begin. Thomas hesitated, for some reason he didn't want to tell a friend about the unknown guy from the office, so he just shrugged and mumbled something to himself.

- "Maybe you need a ride? You look doesn't matter, " - Teresa anxiously looked him up and down glance

.-"No , all right, go. Until tomorrow, guys. - Thomas waved his hand, and walked towards the stop. Not that he wanted to quickly get to the house, he just loved the long way home on the bus - a time when you can listen to music and think about something. Minho looked after him, and got in the car.


The bus had to wait for a long time. Thomas already rather cold when he finally came. And, as it turned out, he came very timely. The promised rain fell once Thomas got on the bus. Not even the rain, but a real downpour. Thomas sat down in his favorite place in the back of the bus, stuck in ears headphones and turned on a favorite song Starset - Antigravity. All my thoughts were occupied by today's extraordinary meeting. The guy with Sunny eyes seemed very familiar to Thomas. He remembered how he looked at him, with some warmth and tenderness, and smiled involuntarily. It seems that with his eyes he really lit up this grey rainy day. Thomas began to think about where they could live this guy, and where he went, when it started to downpour. He certainly didn't look homeless, but Thomas for a moment it seemed that he really had nowhere to go... ***

/accidents are not accidental. All appointments in life, will certainly lead to something.../

The Maze Runner: It will be sunny tomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now