Ford is about 6 weeks old now and Brynn is finally letting me bring Ford over for a weekend, I take my precious baby boy out of Brynns hands in place him in my car.
"Now Blake you have to make sure hes ok at all times, never take your eyes off of him, chnage him frequently, follow his feeding chart and-"
"Brynn I know what to do and if I don't Margaret will"
"Look I just wanna make sure he's gonna be ok"
"He is don't worry"
I get in the car and drive off. As I pull up to the house I see Margaret's car in the driveway. I get a sleeping Ford out of the back seat and I take him into the house. As soon as I walk in I smell chicken and my stomach growls.
"Babe were home"
Margaret rushes out of the kitchen.
"Hey babe" She kisses my lips. She looks down at Ford in his car seat and smiles "Aren't you gonna take him out of his carseat?"
I hand Ford and the carseat to her. I kiss her cheek. "You do it"
She smiles "But I'm cooking your dinner"
"That's ok I'll finish it"
I walk away and head towards the kitchen. Lucky for me she already finished and all I have to do is plate everything. hear Margaret walk up staris so I follow her. I peak my head into Fords room. I see Margaret lay him in his bed. As soon as he is layed down he starts to cry. She picks him up and starts to rock him. I hear her humming something to him, but I can't tell what it is. He falls back asleep in her arms and she lays him in his crib once again. She stands over his crib smiling down at him. I walk in and put my arms around her waist. I kiss down her neck. She grabs my head. I start to unbutton her shirt, but she stops me.
"Blake no Ford's here"
"And that means it's not finna happen tonight baby sorry"
She walks out the room and I go to change my clothes. I put on a black tank top and gray gym shorts. She loves when I look like this. I walk into the kitchen and she hands me my plate. We go to the island and sit and eat. I hurry and eat. I stare at her the whole time. She notices and blushes/
She finishes and I put our plates in the dish washer. Margaret heads back upstairs to check on Ford. I follow and peak in the room. Shes feeding him, then she changes him. She brings him out of thr room and into our room.
"Blake put a blanket on the floor"
"Okay" I place one on the floor and she hands me Ford
"Ima go chnage and then we can play with him until he's ready to sleep again"
I kiss her forehead and take Ford out of he arms "Okay baby"
She walks into the closet and I look through the half open half closed door. I watch as she changes. Everything about her body is so perfect. Her body is fullof curves. I look away as I feel a lump in my pants, Not right now! I lay Ford down and I start to play with him. Margaret comes back in with his toys. We both play with him until we see him yawn. I pick him up and put him in his crib. I turn the baby monitor on and I close the door. When I come back all the tys are back in his bag and Margaret's laying down. Her face looks kinda sad.
"Baby are you ok?"
"Yea why"
"You look sad"
She sighs. "Blake Im not sad I just alwaysed wanted a baby my whole life and I guess being around Ford makes me want one so much more"
"Then let's make one" I kiss down her neck
She pushes me away "Blake you just wanna fuck"
"That too, but if you want a baby your wish is my command"
She smiles.
"Yes Blake" She looks up at me
"I wanna ask you something"
"You know I really love you, and I have since Ive met you. Your the only person I want in my life from now into forever. I only want you and no one else. I need you baby I have to have you forever."
I go under the bed and pull out a box. "Baby will you marry me?"
Tears begin to swell in her eyes, she hops out of bed and hugs me.
"Of course baby!"
She kisses me over and over again.I place the ring on her finger and she stares at it and smiles
"Blake I love you so fucking much"
"Baby I love you too"
"So I guess you really have changed"
"Yea I have baby and all for you"

Don't Hate The Player Hate The Game
Fiksi PenggemarBlake Griffin is a NBA who loves partying and having a good time. He's a total womanizer and he says if he finds the right one she will make him change. But, he doesn't see it happening anytime soon. That is until he meets Margaret and his whole wor...