Omg!!! Elliot is only 6 moths old and Ford is only 1 and a half and Im already gonna be on my own for a while. Well.... not completly I have Gail (Blakes mom) She came down from OK to come and help me with them but it's still very overwhelming, but hey I can't complain this is what I wanted and more. I love my life and I love Blake. Im just kinda worried. I trust my fianace and all but I sure as hell don't trust these groupies that I know are gonna be all over him while he's on the road. My insercurites are already getting the best of me but hey I know I have a good man and nothing is gonna happen! Right?? Ugh I hate this feeling. I place baby Elliot in his crib and I pick up Ford and his baby bag. I walk down stairs and hand Ford over to Blake. It's Brynn's weekend with Ford and god Im gonna miss Ford so much!! I don't care how much of a handful he can be and I sure as hell don't care that I feel overwhelmed. I may not have given birth to that precious baby boy, but I can't help but fell like he's mine ya know? Blake takes him out of my arms and puts him into his carseat. I pick up the baby bag and I place it in the front seat of the car, as Blake sits Ford in the back I kiss Blake bye as he drives off to give Ford to Brynn for the weekend. I walk back into the house as I start on dinner. Im gonna make Blake grilled chicken for dinner. I start preping everything for dinner as I hear baby Elliot cry."I got it" I hear Gail call from upstairs
"Thanks love"
Moments later I hear baby Elliot calm down and fall back asleep. Im so glad that she's here to help and support me. She walks down the stairs and enters the kitchen.
"Hey Mrs.Griffin" She smirks
I laugh "Hey mama Griffin hows my baby boy"
"Oh precious as always"
"Good that's great" I turn back to the counter top as I season the chicken
"So how are you and Blake doing"
I turn to her confused "We're good?"
" You do know what I mean right?"
"No not at all" I start sipping on a sprite
" Your sex life"
I choke on my Sprite" *Cough Cough*"
She laughs at me "Im sorry it's just a question"
"Well if you must know.." I laugh "We haven't since i was 5 months"
"Wow no wonder why you two seem so frustrated lately"
"Wait no we're both just overwhelmed that's all... Right? I mean if it was wouldn't he say something?"
She smiles at me "They ussually don't they just walk around all pissed off or frustarted, and you know Blake has a 8 game road trip he's gonna need you hun"
"Well he's gonna have to get over it I have to take care of Elliot"
"Nope Im gonna take him for the weekend and you two will be here by yourselves all weekend."
I run up and hug her "Oh my gosh thank you so much I don't know what I would do without you"
She laughs "It's fine." She heads up stairs and collects what she needs then she's gone.

Don't Hate The Player Hate The Game
FanfictionBlake Griffin is a NBA who loves partying and having a good time. He's a total womanizer and he says if he finds the right one she will make him change. But, he doesn't see it happening anytime soon. That is until he meets Margaret and his whole wor...