Brynn Cameron

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I wake up from an awful sleep and it's freezing in my house. I walk into the kitchen to turn up the heat when I see a huge vase of red and pink roses. I roll my eyes and look at the note attached to it. 

Babe, we need to talk I swear I would never hurt you like that, but there is something I have to tell you in person-Blake

I ball the note up and throw it on the floor.

"Fuck you"

"Babe those are mean words"

I jump at his voice.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you"

He walks up to me and hands me a single rose. I throw it on the floor. He tries to kiss me, but I reject him.


He sighs deeply. He turns away from me and I can tell that something painful is bothering him.

"Who was she Blake, are you cheating on me?"

He turns around and looks deep into my eyes

"I would never even dream of cheating on you."

"Then tell who was that blonde"

Sighs "Her name is Brynn Cameron"

"That girl you were dating before me"


"Why were you dancing with her"

"Look she asked if I wanted to dance, and I said no but she wouldn't leave me alone so we danced and then she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the club"

Jealousy instantly builds up inside of me and as if he could see right through me he speaks.

"Not what your thinking, she said she needed to talk to me in private, We went to my car and that's when you texted. I didn't text back, because I wanted to tell you this in person."

"Tell me what"

"She's 4 months pregnant"

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