Chapter 1

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It was a strange day. You woke up feeling immediately out of sorts, as if you knew the day wouldn't go exactly to plan. You rolled over in bed, willing yourself to go back to sleep, and wake up when the day was over and evaded.

Sleep didn't come and you prised open your eyes. The sunlight was streaming through the open curtains, left undrawn in a bid to make waking up that little bit easier. It hadn't worked, you thought, dejectedly.

Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you started your normal daily routine, shower, teeth, dressing, breakfast.

You didn't have too many plans for the day, except to head over to the Salvatore mansion and spend time with Damon and Stefan. Thinking of the two brothers brought a smile to your face and for the first time since waking, you felt a shift in her mood. A warmth spread through you as you thought about your boyfriend, and his brother, who you'd come to view as you own. Life was so much sweeter with them then in it.

Quickly finishing breakfast, you collected your bits and pieces, keys, phone, purse and coat, and put them into a bag. Locking the front door, you began the walk to the Salvatore mansion, enjoying the weak sunlight on your shoulders. It wasn't too far, a 15 minute brisk walk at most, and it was nice to get the fresh air first thing in the day.

Approaching the large house, you couldn't help but be overawed by its grandeur, and your luck at being the one to know the inhabitants. Walking down the long driveway, slowly as you always did in order to take it all in, you were suddenly aware of raised voices coming from the main door. You stopped, not wanting to intrude, and sat down on a wall not too far off the driveway. You couldn't hear the specifics of the argument, but could hear a lower, tense and frustrated voice in contrast with a higher pitched one, whining and shrill. As soon as you'd taken your seat, the front door slammed shut and you heard angry footsteps kicking up the gravel as someone stomped angrily up the drive, in your direction.

You tried to make yourself smaller, willing yourself to merge into the wall. Alas, the rules of physics did not make a special allowance for you that day, and you suddenly came face to face with an angry woman. Elena Gilbert.

Your breath caught in your throat as you stood, trying now to make yourself seem bigger, stronger than you felt. Elena scared you, but you didn't want her to know that. Elena stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you. A look of disbelief turning to a sneer, an eyeroll, and then a look of malice. 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised', she spat, 'the Salvatore brothers latest pet, here first thing in the morning. How pathetic'.

You kept your gaze on Elena, frightened to look away, but not frightened enough to avoid pointing out the irony of Elena being at the mansion even earlier than she was.

'And why shouldn't I be?', hissed Elena, keeping her voice low but menacing. 'You and I both know that you're only there because they feel sorry for you. It's me that they love. Not you. They could never, will never love you like they love me.' Elena is trembling with rage. Suddenly a voice calls out from the door of the mansion. 'Sweetheart?' came Damon's voice. You turned, and so did Elena, both answering to the same pet name. 'Go home, Elena', he snarled. Elena turned, suddenly staring at you with renewed intensity. 'Enjoy your day with the Salvatores. You won't have that many left.' With a sickly sweet smile in Damon's direction, and a manic, dangerous one in yours, she set off down the driveaway, as if she hadn't a care in the world.

With Elena's form slowly diminishing, you turned your gaze towards Damon standing in the doorway, his crooked grin making your legs feel weak for a moment, and you walked towards him. He swept you up into a hug, and whispered in your ear, 'you know that I heard all Elena said. Don't give her a second thought. You mean everything to Stefan and I. And as to her threats, does she really think she can hurt you with us around? She's not as smart as I once gave her credit for.' You relaxed into his hug a little more and smiled into his chest. You felt safe, and the uncomfortable feeling that had been weighing down all morning lifted just a little.

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