Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The final chapter!

A week later, things were feeling better. Your appetite had come back a little and you were feeling less tired and drained. You were sat in the grill with Damon, Stefan and Caroline when Caroline stood up to leave. 'Right,' she said. 'I suppose I'd better be off to see Mrs Lockwood. She's going to keep me all day.' She pulled a face, gathered her things and left the grill. 'What are you up to today?' asked Stefan. You shrugged. You didn't have any plans. Stefan and Damon were off to hunt so they left shortly after Caroline. You sat back and drained the last of your coffee when your phone began to ring. It was Caroline. 'Hi Care!' you answered. 'Hey Y/N! So, Mrs Lockwood just cancelled – yay! Do you fancy a shopping trip?' You agreed to meet her in town and set off, knowing she'd vamp there instantly.

The morning passed quickly and you had a lovely time with Caroline, shopping for the upcoming school dance. You finished just after lunch and went home to relax. You decided you'd head to the Salvatore mansion that afternoon to catch up with Damon. You set off happily, excited about the new dress you'd picked with Caroline, and about hers. Arriving at the mansion, you walked inside and took off your coat, laying it over the back of a chair. You called out for Damon. 'YN?' you heard. 'Can you come in here please?' He sounded tense and you began to feel nervous, unsure as to why his tone was so negative. You walked into the living room to find him standing next to Stefan in front of the fire. Sitting on the sofa with their back to you was Elena with Jeremy next to her. He had her arm around her, and she seemed to be sobbing. 'What's going on?' you asked uncertainly. 'Elena, are you okay?' Jeremy's head snapped up.

'You know damn well that she's not!' he said angrily. You were taken aback by his anger.

'I don't understand. What's happened?' you were almost whispering now. Elena turned her head and you saw her mascara-streaked face. She held out her forearms, showing you all scratches and bruises. 'How can you deny what you've done?' she said quietly, and began to cry again. You were completely shocked, not even knowing what to say. 'Damon,' you began but he looked away into the flames of the fire, not able to look at you. 'I didn't do anything to you Elena...' she just cried harder.

'I thought we were beginning to be friends, Y/N.' she sniffled. 'I know we had a rocky start but I was really trying. But then you just go and do this...' she broke off. You were beginning to tremble now, terrified at the lie that was being built against you. 'No, I didn't do anything – I've been with Caroline all day!' you argued back. This time, it was Stefan who spoke angrily. 'Don't lie to us Y/N! You and I both know that Caroline was spending the day with Mrs Lockwood. You said yourself that you had nothing to do today!' Jeremy butted in.

'So you decided to spend it attacking my sister!' You looked from one face to another, seeing no response other than anger and upset.

'Damon, Stefan, please... you know I wouldn't do this...' you began, desperately begging them to believe you.

'I don't think I know you at all, Y/N.' said Damon dejectedly. You couldn't stay there anymore. Without another word, you turned on your heels and left the mansion. You were in such a hurry to escape their seething looks of hatred, you forgot to pick up your coat.

Back in the mansion, Damon turned to Elena. 'I'm really sorry about this, Elena. I really didn't think she'd do this but I can't deny the evidence' he said, gesturing to the scratches on her arms. Elena stood up. 'It's okay. I'm going to head home now to rest. It's been a really tough day.'

Jeremy helped his sister up. 'Do you want me to come with you?' She shook her head.

'It's okay, I can drive myself home. Thanks, Jer.' She gathered up her things, hugged each of them, relishing the feel of the Salvatore brothers back in her arms, and made to leave. 'Oh hi Care,' she said, bumping into Caroline as she entered the door. Caroline stared at Elena's back as she left to get in her car. 'What's going on?' she asked. 'Why is Elena all beaten up?' Damon looked away again. Stefan answered, 'you're not going to like this Caroline, but Elena was beaten up by Y/N this morning. Elena only just managed to come over this afternoon to tell us, she was so shaken up by it.' Caroline just looked confused.

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