Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Possible trigger – mention of unhealthy weight loss

Things had changed since the last incident. Your friends would fall silent when you walked into a room, and Damon and Stefan looked at you as if you might break. Damon had tried to talk to you, offering his support and comfort, but you'd gotten upset, knowing that you hadn't any need of it.

The mental strain of it all was taking its toll on you. You found that your appetite had gone, and you were constantly tired and withdrawn. Unfortunately, your friends and boyfriend seemed to think this was all part and parcel of the same thing. You spent more and more time by yourself, wanting to avoid the pitying looks and whispers of those who you'd once thought trusted you.

Damon and Stefan sat in the mansion in companionable silence one night. 'Brother, I'm worried about Y/N.' said Damon, suddenly, breaking the silence. Stefan shifted in his seat to look at him and nodded. 'She doesn't seem herself at all. And after what happened at the party...' he broke off, not wanting to relive it in his mind, yet again. Damon sighed.

'I'm starting to wonder whether she did actually do it to herself.' He said. 'She denied it so strongly and I don't want to doubt her. But now she seems so subdued. Not at all herself.' Stefan looked thoughtfully at him. 'Maybe we should talk to her again.' He suggested, 'and tell her that we believe her, that she slipped.' Damon downed the rest of his drink and stood up to go to bed. 'I'll try tomorrow' he vowed.

The weather was changing. The snow was gone and the days and nights were getting lighter. You spent more time outdoors, trying to clear your head. One morning, you heard a knock at the door and opened it to find Damon. You invited him in and both went up to your room. You sat on the bed and he took both of your small hands in his larger ones, looking you straight in the eye. 'Y/N,' he said softly. 'I want you to know that I'm sorry for doubting that you. I don't believe that what happened was on purpose. I believe that you slipped. I'm sorry.' You looked at him, relieved that he had changed his mind about you. But something still niggled at you. You were certain that you hadn't slip. 'Thank you, Damon. I'm relieved that you don't think I did it to myself. You know I'd never do that. But I promise you, I didn't slip.' Damon looked surprised.

'What do you mean?' he asked. 'How else could it have happened?' You swallowed, not wanting to present your theory that his ex-girlfriend had actually hurt you. 'Damon, I think it might have been Elena.' You said quietly. He stood up suddenly.

'No, Y/N. That's not true. You shouldn't say that.' You sighed, frustrated. You knew if wouldn't take it well. 'Well I didn't do it,' you answer. 'I didn't slip, and she was the only one in the room.' Damon ran his fingers through his hair, upset by your words.

'I can't believe that, I won't. I'm sorry, Y/N. I really don't think that Elena is capable of that. I know she's not been particularly friendly to you,' you scoffed, 'but she's not violent or underhand like that!'. You turned away from him, disappointed that he'd chosen Elena's side over yours, but not surprised. 'I think you should go, Damon.' You said sadly. 'I don't think I can be with someone who doesn't trust me.' He looked at you, searchingly and pained. 'Y/N, please...' he began. But the damage had been done. He'd shown you that he still trusted Elena over you, and that broke your heart. You turned away, unsuccessfully hiding your tears, and when you looked back, he'd gone.

He sped back to mansion. He needed to talk it over with Stefan, who he found in the kitchen. He looked up as Damon entered the room, sensing immediately that something was wrong. 'What's wrong, brother?' he asked gently. Damon sat heavily in one of the chairs and put his head in his hands. 'I think Y/N might have just broken up with me.' Stefan moved over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 'What?' he asked, 'why?' Damon explained how you'd tried to tell him that Elena had hurt you, and that he just couldn't believe that. That wasn't the Elena he knew. When he looked up at Stefan, he noticed a funny look on his face. 'Well, Damon,' he began, slowly. 'I'm not sure that Elena is the same girl we once loved. She seems bitter now, possessive. Surely you've noticed?' Damon nodded reluctantly. 'But still,' he argued. 'Surely she'd never actually endanger someone's life?' Stefan looked uncertain.

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