author's note

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To everyone who has finished,

This ending is bittersweet for me. Wether you've been here since the beginning or you've just found the crazy world I've created, thank you for reading.

My characters have helped me through some extremely rough times in my life and I love them dearly. However, all things must come to an end. This series has been such a whirlwind to write from Hayes and Sephine in the beginning to ending with Dean and Lacey.

This book is particularly special to me and I hope that you all can agree that it got the ending it deserved.

I'm a strong believer in writing for yourself opposed to writing for the purpose of selling books. I did my best to provide real life lessons in them and I just want to make people feel something when they read them. What A Lie Looks Like discusses right person wrong time and that love can conquer all. What A Secret Looks Like focuses on how your past does not define you and it's possible to move on. What Deceit Looks Like focuses on how people can change and it's okay to forgive. And finally, What The End Looks Like explains that you should always live your life to the fullest because any day could be your last.

I write my books for me, but I share them because I hope they can provide people with a brief escape from whatever they're dealing with. Life isn't perfect and I hope I've shown that through my writing because it's unrealistic to expect a perfect life.

This is it guys.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading.

I hope you're all doing well and I look forward to sharing my new project soon.

With all my love,

Laurea Matthews

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