11: lacey

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A shrill shriek pulls me out of sleep and I hear Quinn curse loudly, "Could you be any fucking louder?"

"Do you have to be such a grump?" A voice that sounds awfully similar to Ruth says. Wait-Ruth?

I try to blink and rub the sleep out of my eyes, but I'm being held down by a set of arms. And my head is resting on someone's chest. What is going on?

The person I'm laying on top of shifts underneath me, pulling me tighter against them letting out a soft mumble. "Lace go back to sleep. It's too early for this."

I wish I could because this feels really nice, but Ruth's awestruck face greets me when I focus my eyes on the two figures watching us. "Oh good, you're awake. A little heads up would have been nice that your loud friend was coming over." Quinn scoffs, storming back into her bedroom. Good morning to you too.

I lift my head up and poke Dean in the side, "Hey, you have to let me go or we're going to get jumped on."

A few of his dark curls are hanging onto his forehead and his eyes blink open lazily. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"My god Lacey, I don't talk to you for a week and you've already got a boyfriend?" Ruth questions, drawing Dean's attention over there. He looks very confused and I have to admit I'm quite confused myself. Why is she here? Not that I'm not glad to see her, I'm just confused.

His arms unravel around me and I'm grateful to be able to get up and hug my best friend. I'm not sure what reason she has for an impromptu visit, but nonetheless, I'm glad to see her. "Ruth what are you doing here?"

She smiles widely at me, "Well your mom was going to come herself, but I volunteered to come in her place. I missed you so I figured I'd drop in for the weekend. I just didn't expect to find you sleeping on a couch with freaking Adonis."

I look back at Dean who is stretching and I resist the urge to stare. My god why does he have to be so attractive. We're just friends, but still.

"You'll feed his ego if you call him that. Ruth this is Dean. Dean this is my best friend from back home, Ruth." I say introducing them and he smiles at her but I can tell he's not fully awake yet.

"Nice to meet you," He says before sitting up and stretching. I quickly glance back at Ruth. She's practically drooling and I wish I could take a picture to use this for later; instead, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"So how long are you up here? Weren't you supposed to have plans with Xavier-" I'm cut off by her pulling me towards the bathroom without another word. I guess it's not hard to find in our shoebox apartment. "Ruth! You're being rude to Dean."

Only after she shuts the door and turns on the faucet does Ruth say something, "That's Dean?" She questions in an angry whisper.

I attempt to smooth my hair out to look somewhat presentable after we were caught having a sleepover. Whatever I say at this point about not liking him will only result in her not believing me. Still I have to try and get my point across, "He's just a friend." And he is. Maybe at first I was interested in something more and I can't deny that he's cute, but I've gotten to know Dean and he needs a friend just as much as I need one.

"There's no way the two of you can be just friends when he looks like that and you look like you. Absolutely not." She insists doing exactly what I thought she would.

"You don't even know him!" I insist, letting my voice raise a bit.

She gives me a look of disbelief, "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I just walked in on you guys sleeping on the couch together. I'm just glad there was clothes on both of you."

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