08: lacey

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 "I really appreciate you staying late," Grayson says smiling tiredly. He looks about as exhausted as I feel.

I nod, putting my things together. "Of course. I'm happy to help."

"You won't be saying that when you find out how many nights we stay late around here," He's gathering his own things together. We gathered the last of the files tonight and it sounds like everything will be over with by the end of the week.

"Exactly how many nights do you stay late around here?" I ask curiously because I can't imagine doing this on a frequent basis. Dinner on the company was nice, but I don't want to live at work.

"It varies from week to week and case to case. After too many stressful weeks, Tess and I like to go to Italy. I'm hoping I'll have a break in cases soon so we can go."

I shake off his comment about Italy. I think my parents would kill to go there. "That sounds like a lot of fun so I hope you guys get to go soon."

"Thanks Lacey. I appreciate it." Grayson says pulling on his jacket, "Can I ask you something not as your boss?"

The wording catches my attention, "Yes?"

"Are you and Dean together? I know I missed some stuff at the family dinner when I had that call and I feel bad for not knowing. Tessa was no help when I asked her."

"Nope, we're just friends."

Grayson looks skeptical but doesn't question it. "I think you're good for him. He's a bit hard to read sometimes, but he seems to like you."

"As a friend," I clarify causing him to chuckle.

"Yes, as a friend. Dean doesn't let a lot of people get close to him so you're already doing better than the rest of us." He says grabbing his suit jacket from off the back of his chair.

The rest of us? You mean his family? "I don't think I quite understand what you're saying?"

Grayson shrugs motioning for me to follow him out, "He's a nice guy, but I don't know much about him other than what Hayes has told me. Dean is a partier and a play boy of sorts. Just... be careful. You seem like a nice person so I'd hate for you to end up hurt."

It feels like we've been waiting forever for the elevator to come. I stay silent until I'm certain of what I want to say. "I think Dean just wants someone to notice him."

He doesn't respond after that and I take it as the conclusion of the conversation. However, I do believe it to be true. He said that's what he liked about Paige. I haven't met the person Grayson just described, but I don't quite know if that is the same person as the Dean I've started to get to know.

But I guess that Dean doesn't know me, so how can I expect to know him?


Chase notices me first, smiling wider when he spots me. "Lacey? What are you doing here?"

"I had the morning off and I knew you guys were on shift. It's freezing outside so what better way to warm up than with cookies?" I say, holding up tuber ware that contains three dozen chocolate chip cookies. It was more so stress baking because I wasn't quite sure what to think after the conversation with Grayson last night.

Linc comes out of nowhere and pulls the lid up, snatching his cookie quickly. "You are the absolute best."

His eagerness to eat causes me to laugh when the rest of the guys follow suit. "Guys come on, let her put them down," A man that I haven't met says holding his hand out to take them from me. I pass them over quickly while Chase laughs and I shoot him a look.

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