Fred Weasley

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I flip my H/L, H/C as I walk into the great hall, my eyes instantly look for my boyfriend Adrien Pucey of 1 year today. He took me out on a romantic picnic at the edge of the black lake and then... well you know...
He wasn't in the Great Hall but he usually isn't anyway. Homework or something.
So I sit with the second best thing my best friends. Fred and George, the two stupidest gingers in the world. Bet. But I love them unconditionally. But ever since I started dating Adrien Fred's been distant.
So I sat next to George with Fred opposite.
"Ay! Y/N! Where the hell have you been loca?!" George called out to me. I laughed at his reaction.
"Hey George, Adrien and I went on a picnic" I replied still smiling. But I noticed Fred tense in front of me.
"Oh yeah isn't it like your anniversary or something?" George called out through a mouthful of mash potato.
"Yeah actually we-" I started but soon was stopped as Fred had slammed his fists on the table and walked away
"What's up his butt?" I question. Apparently this was the funniest thing George had ever heard because he bursted out laughing .
"What?!" I asked confused as ever. What the fuck is going on?
"I can't believe it! Your so blind ahahaha!" He laughed for what felt like forever. I didn't eat I just kept wondering where Adrian was. So finally sick of the gingers company I got up and went looking for him. I knew he must be doing homework so I went to his dorm. I was going to knock but then I heard noises. As soon as I heard them I knew exactly what was happening.
"Uhh Adrien yes!" She screamed. That. Fucking. Prick.
I slammed the door open and my eyes instantly regretted doing so.
On Adrien bed was Pansy Parkinson riding my boyfriend. Screaming like a maniac.
As soon as Adrien saw me he pushed her off of her and grabbed him boxers standing up so fast he tripped and fell.
"Y/N listen!" He tried to reason with me but I was done. I was so mad I didn't even respond I just left. I didn't know where I was going. Tears were threatening to spill and I just . Tugging my knees up to my chest I cried my eyes out.
"Y/N?" I heard the voice of Fred come from above me. "What the hell happened?" He sounds so worried, he sat down next to me and rapped his muscular arms around me comfortably. I couldn't help but sob more as he held me.
"Shh shh it's ok" he comforted stroking my hair softly, it calmed me down enough my tears stopped falling.
"What happened love?" Fred spoke calmly
"Adrien... he cheated on me with Pansy fucking Parkinson" I scoffed
"That dick" he cursed, " if I ever see him I swear to god I'll-"
"Fred?" I cut him off "You don't speak to me for a year and now when some guy hurts me you suddenly show up wanted to help?"
He looks down obviously nervous not knowing what to say "Fred what's going on?" I asked him
"Are you serious?" He asks laughing slightly "I'm in love with you, you blind bat"
I was so shocked, I've never felt more foolish in my life. He's been so obvious
"Your in love with me?" I repeated
"Yes, I'm just so surprised you didn't know" he said honestly. Somehow Fred confessing to me made me feel so happy, all this time worrying about Adrien I've never truly realised how much I've missed Fred this last year. His laugh even the way he would ruffle his hair when he's nervous. That's when I realised
"Fred I'm in love with you too" I finally said making contact with his beautiful brown orbs. He smiled and bit his lip slightly,
"You do?" He whispered
"I truly do" I smiled back in the same whispering tone.
Slowly we leaned into each other I closed my eyes and soon my lips were met with warm ones. Our lips moved together like they were designer specifically for each other, his hands were threading there way through my hair while mine were on his shoulders supporting me from crumbling beneath him.
But unfortunately we need to breathe. So we parted panting but with wide smiles on our faces.
"Sooo what are we now?" Fred spoke up
At that moment I looked at the clock and realised that we were over curfew
"Well right now we're in deep shit" he looked confused for a minute before realising the time. "Oh right come on" he stood up and walked me back to my common room despite my arguments for him not to as he should get back to his dorm as well
"Oh shut up and keep walking Y/L/N" he would always say back
After we shared a goodnight kiss I walked into my dorm and collapsed.
This boy is going to be the death of me

A/N  Heyy since I'm starting this story up again if you want any other characters for me to write about feel free to comment any requests or story ideas I'll be happy to write them ❤️❤️

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