Cedric Diggory

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Ever since Sirius Black was said to have been seen in Hogwarts Cedric (My Boyfriend) and I haven't had any alone time in forever.
Sure I still see him but it hasn't been just us for so long and I really miss him.
So i had a plan, it wasn't a really safe plan to do at that moment but I needed to see him.
I wrote him a letter and slipped it in his robes pocket after dinner. It said to meet him in the prefects bathroom tonight at 8:00.
Surprisingly he showed up obviously nervous and angry.
"Hey what are you doing?!" He whisper-yelled
"It's so dangerous to be out at night, I didn't want to come but I knew you would be here. So come on let's go" he took my hand and pulled me away.
"But we haven't been together in ages" I said stopping him and running my hands up and down his muscular arms.
"Yeah, I know but we're smarter than this it's to dangerous I'm sorry" he said holding my face and takin my hands away from his arms. He put his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the door. I noticed that it started to get a little chilly.
All of a sudden two dementors came bursting into the bathroom. Cedric instantly push me away. Protecting me but he and I both pulled out our wands and used the Patronus charm creating a shield between us and the creatures. They flew away instantly. Cedric helped me up and began fussing asking me if I was ok and pulling bits of hair away from my face.
"Cedric," I interrupted him "I'm fine" I look into his eyes and kiss him passionately. He does so back.
I pull away, "yeah your right it is a little dangerous to be out" I laughed and shook his head in disbelief
"Come on," he smiled and we both walked back to our common rooms.
We kissed each other goodbye and we never went out again this year.

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