💧 🩸Chapter 2: Catch Up🩸💧

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"I doubt you'll be coming back to school for a little while, huh? Not like you paid attention much in classes anyway...." You let out a light hearted laugh at your playful jeer. Jotaro didn't react much, yet you thought you saw the corner of his lips twitch up wards slightly.

"Yare Yare, yeah, you're right. I'll need to take some time off. How's school been for you?" Jotaro asks, blue eyes watching you curiously as you got ready to talk about your school life. Were you okay while he was gone? Did anyone hurt you?

"It's been okay, I'll be honest, it was kind of boring without you there. I missed you quite a lot, and it hurts me to know that you've...been through that much." You still seemed nervous talking about Jotaro's trip. Only 17 and Jotaro lost friends he knew throughout the months and fought a century old vampire connected to his bloodline. A small part of you thought it was cool, however, the majority of you knew it was hard on his psyche. 

Silence fell between the two of you as you shifted. Maybe it wasn't right to bring that up again. It's probably still fresh in his mind and you opened up a wound again....

"...So no one has been harassing you while I am not there, right?" Jotaro asks, his tone unnervingly serious. It seems he chose to ignore what you said, focusing more on you and how you were while he was gone.

"Nah, they have no reason to. I'm a friend of yours, anyways, they might be scared that you'd be mad." You ponder, tracing a finger in the ground as you thought about what happened with you in the past few months. It's been rather normal, at least compared to him.

"Because I would be mad...." Jotaro mutters, you laughing softly.

"You really do care about me a lot. Thanks, I appreciate it. It makes me feel nice to know you are willing to care." You smile, Jotaro glancing at you and letting out a little hum in approval.

"What kind of guy would I be if I didn't care? I'm not scum...." Jotaro scoffs, you playfully smacking his arm and sighing.

"Yeah, I'm just glad I have someone like you...." You ponder, standing up to stretch. "Alright, Next time I go to school I will ask the teacher if I can bring your work home for you. I'll help you catch up."

"I can handle it myself, (Y/N)." Jotaro defends, you turning around to face him. You then shake your head, crossing your arms.

"Months of work, by yourself?" You scoff. "You may be capable of handing yourself Jotaro, but it's the least I can do to help you. Trust me, you need it."

"So you're going to school tomorrow to get the work I owe?" Jotaro asks, getting up to follow you around his yard.

"Yeah, trust me, it's better if I help you with this rather than you staying back." 

Jotaro nods in confirmation as he puts a hand on your shoulder, making you stop in your tracks and face him.

"You're gonna come back here tomorrow, right?"

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion for a moment, but nod.

"Of course, I'll even let you know how my day went."


School was plain, as always. You stayed with your usual group of friends and went to all your classes. Each class you went to you collected work and put it in a special folder. When you got out, you would give Jotaro the folder of work you collected and help him if needed. 

"So, why exactly are you carrying that bulging folder around everywhere you go?" Your friend, Rach, commented as he walked by you.

"Oh, Jotaro came back home yesterday. I'm just getting him all the work he missed." You explain, Rach seeming surprised.

"Jotaro? You mean The Jotaro Kujo you talked to me about. The one you are close friends with, the one infamous at school?" Rach asked, you nodding.

You had met Rach around when Jotaro left. He wore glasses and had slate gray eyes. His hair was brown and he was a little taller than you. He kept you from being bored when Jotaro was gone and soon he became a great friend of yours.

"Yup, I can introduce you two when he goes back to school. Right now he is taking a few more days off, personal reason, y'know?" You offer, Rach seeming uneasy.

"Erm, If you want to, I've only heard of him, is he really nice like you say?" Rach asks nervously, you chuckling.

"Once you get to know him, yes. Might take some time, though. He's quite a tough one to crack." You heard Rach groan in response as he stopped by your locker so you could get your stuff to go home. 

"Well, Not sure if I look forward to it. I'll see you later, (Y/N)." Rach waves before heading off to grab his own stuff. 

"That's okay! See you soon." You quickly say as you slide the folder of work into your bag and slipped that on your back. Finally, you could go and relax after school, and with your best friend at that!

Eagerly, you leave the school doors and head towards the direction of Jotaro's house. It wasn't far, so you could walk there and deliver his work. He would need a bit of tutoring, but it would be nice for him to come back to school.

It would be just like how it was before, he'd walk you to school and back home. You both would help each other in class. It would be like how it always was, even after what happened.

At least, that's what you hoped it would be like.

(UNEDITED, 1/8/2021)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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