the one where he makes everything better

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summary: you've had a rough few days - luckily for you, poe dameron is there to catch you when you fall

this is 1400 words of pure, unadulterated fluff. also with lowkey platonic finn/rey x reader because my love for the sequel trio has no end 

You couldn't quite pinpoint when this feeling had started.

It might have been last week. You'd had a particularly rough mission and even though everyone just about made it back in one piece, your team took a hit. If it wasn't that, it might have been the fact you weren't sleeping very well. Or, maybe it was just everything. Your job was demanding and the war was draining and you were a human being, goddammit.

The fact that Poe had also been pulled in a million different directions that week wasn't helping either. You had your close friends - Rey and Finn and Jessika and Snap - but none of them knew you like he did. They didn't see the change in your mannerisms or the way your smile was a little bit more hollow than usual. Poe was there, but not as much as usual. It was no fault of his own, but timing truly was being a bitch.

'Morning, gorgeous,' Poe called across the mess hall, having spotted you at a table with Finn and Rey.

You were half-slumped on Rey, your eyes heavy with sleep as you leant into her shoulder. She didn't seem to mind too much; she was busy chattering away with Finn, but they paused when they saw the pilot coming towards the table. He had a humorous look on his face, clearly entertained by the sight ahead of him. His heart always jumped a little when he looked at you, even if you were borderline drooling on the poor scavenger.

'Morning, handsome.' Finn greeted him upon noticing your silence.

'They're really out of it, huh?' Poe furrowed his brow, taking a seat next to you.

As if you could tell he was there, you flopped from Rey's shoulder and into his side. He pulled one arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple, his hands playing with your hair. He'd seen you in passing but it had been a good few days since he'd actually been with you.

'You gonna wake up, baby?' He murmured quietly into your ear.

'Kriff,' you jumped awake suddenly, rubbing your eyes. 'What time is it?'

'Just coming up to 10.' He replied.

It didn't take him long to notice your appearance. Your eyes were tired and bloodshot, and you hadn't given him your usual smile. They were things that only he would notice; your face was etched into his mind all the time. He had a photo of you on the dashboard of his jet, and another one on his nightstand. He could immediately detect even the slightest change.

'Shit,' you murmured. 'I have to go.'

'But it's Pancake Friday,' Finn helplessly pointed at his plate. 'You love Pancake Friday.'

'I have a meeting. And a million missing reports and-' you abruptly stood up, immediately missing Poe's warm touch, '- and I need coffee.'

'Sweetheart,' Poe tried to grab you. 'What's up with-'

'- I'll see you later,' you pressed a rushed kiss to his lips, scurrying away.

Poe let out a sigh of defeat, muttering something about can't live with em, can't live without em. You zoomed across the mess hall, clearly working on autopilot. You almost tripped over Leia on your way out, stumbling through the doors and out of sight.

'Have you noticed anything different about Y/N over the last few days?' Poe turned to the other two on the table.

'Aside from her using my shoulder as a pillow?' Rey joked, but noticed the worried look on his face. 'She's just been working a lot. It's probably taking it out of her.'

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