the one with the new recruit

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summary: poe likes to get a rise out of you - he has his reasons, though 

Poe Dameron wasn't your boyfriend.

However, between the nights you spent together, and the fact you often did things that best friends didn't usually do, he might as well have been. He liked to hold your hand and whisper things in your ear, and it wasn't a crazy idea to think he might have been into you. It was just a friends-with-benefits situation (or so you tried to convince yourself)

And so, here you were, with a scowl on your face and your arms folded tightly across your chest as you watched him flirt with a pretty new recruit. The first thing you'd noticed was that she actually looked good in her bright orange jumpsuit – the only other person who managed that was Poe. She was leaning against the fuselage of an X-Wing (your X-Wing, no less), chuckling about something. Poe was funny, but not funny enough to get a laugh that immense. She was clearly into him, and you couldn't work out if he was returning the gesture.

Dusting off your jacket, you marched over to where they were stood. Besides, it was your jet, and you had every right to be there. Poe had promised to fix it for you – after all, he had been the one that had broken it in the first place.

'Dameron!' You barked. 'You fixed my jet yet?'

'Working on it, sweetheart.' He reached across to ruffle your hair, pointing to the spanner he was twirling about in the other hand. 'This is Chloe, by the way.'

He could almost immediately tell that you were jealous. Maybe it was the fact you were pouting – no, you were glaring at the girl – or the way your body language was more closed than usual. Normally, when you approached him, it would be a matter of seconds before you had your hands on him in some way – fingers intertwined with his, or an arm around his waist. Now, they were folded tightly across your chest.

'Poe is showing me how to fix your jet.' She smiled at you. 'He's a very good teacher.'

'A good teacher would have had this fixed hours ago.' You prodded him in the arm. 'Did he mention how it broke?'

'Sweetheart, c'mon-'

'- he was playing catch with Finn and they accidentally threw the football into the engine when it was turned on.' You cut Poe off, reaching your hand into the contraption to pull out pieces of the tattered ball.

Poe bit his lip, glancing at you as if to say fair enough. He could play the game of being petty just as well as you could. It was like a match made in vindictive heaven. You truly were perfect for each other.

'You should tell Chloe about the time you accidentally knocked your landing gear off by trying to do a barrel roll.'

'You should tell Chloe about the time you set off every fire alarm in the base because you set BB-8 on fire.'

'I'm sure you're both great pilots.' The recruit cut you off. 'But Poe and I were sort of in the middle of something-'

'- seeing as it's my jet,' you pulled the spanner from her hands. 'I should probably show you how to fix it.'

'Poe was doing a great job-'

'- he has places to be.' You shoved him back slightly, pointing towards the door. 'Right?'

Poe's eyes met yours, and he knew he was going to pay for it later. 'No, it's fine, I can do it. You should go and practice your barrel rolls.'

'I can't.' You glared at him. 'You broke my jet, remember?'

Later on, you were sat in your quarters filling out some paperwork. It was pretty basic stuff, but you had little else to occupy your time. With your ship out-of-action and your-definitely-not-boyfriend preoccupied with the pretty blonde recruit, you figured it was better to be productive than to mope around.

You heard your door beep open, signalling that someone had typed in your key-code. The only other person aside you who knew it was Poe, so he didn't need to announce himself. Instead, he gently approached you, placing both his hands on your shoulders and gently massaging them for a moment.

'You're hot when you're jealous.' The pilot rested his head on top of yours, moving the holopad out of your hands.

'I wasn't jealous.' You retorted, spinning around to face him.

'You terrified the poor girl.' He chuckled, brown eyes meeting yours as he knelt down between your legs. 'She's only been here two days.'

'And you're already flirting with her.' You replied. 'That's real classy.'

'Only to annoy you,' Poe bit his lip – and you had to look away, because he knew that move made you slightly weak.

'Maybe I'll find a cute new guy to flirt with.' You shot back. 'Because, since we're definitely not together, that won't be a problem-'

Poe brushed his lips against yours, shutting you up. It was a tender kiss, and it was almost reaffirming. You guys did have your moments where it almost felt like you were a couple – almost as though there was something more lying underneath the games and meaningless flings. Love, perhaps?

'It would be a problem.' He kept his forehead pressed to yours, hands gently running through your hair. 'Be mine? Please?'

'I always have been.' Your voice was barely a whisper.

'Then I'm all yours, baby.'

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