Chapter 14

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Months have passed by. Tomorrow is December 16.

My birthday.

Then after that is Christmas, then News Years, and then me and Levi will be going to Spain. I've already sent my people down there months ago so they could have the one of the 3 mafias find them and gain their trust. I have people all over the place. They all chose their own roles to play, maids, cooks, guards, business dealers, even strippers. Levi and I leave January 3rd. This took a long time because

1. My family wanted to spend the holidays and my birthday with me which I couldn't deny and

2. We had to get my people down there little by little and we have A LOT of people on the inside. They had to come up with a plan to get in the mafia and they had to gain their trust.

They got into the mafia because one the assassins who owes me a favor has a secret gang. We're allies and he has the second best gang. Nobody knows that of course except gang members. He moved to Spain and started to "harass" people so they could get into the mafia, acting as if they had no where to go. They mainly got in because of their abilities. They wear the earpieces and contacts at all times in case something happens or someone finds them when they take them off.

Now moving on to another topic,

Me and Levi have been doing amazing these past few months. I still remember the day when I confessed and he asked me that question.


He should be here soon. It's been 4 days since my coronation and I'm currently standing on the bridge where me and Levi had our first kiss. I called and asked him to come here, saying it's urgent.

A few moments later, I hear footsteps behind me.

"Artemis! What's wrong?! Are you ok?! Do you need anything?! What's-" he got off by me laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"Levi, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to talk." I say and nods telling me to continue. "I've...been thinking about what you said... about how you feel about me and..." I take a deep breath. "I like you to. I wasn't too sure of it before but now I know. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to realize. I mean you how I can be when I'm thinking an-"

I'm cut off by him putting his lips on mine. I close my eyes and kiss back, melting into his embrace. He pulls away and puts his forehead on mine smiling at me."

Flashback over

That's when I confessed. The memory plays in my mind before another does.


I'm sitting at the edge of the lake in my bathing suit with my feet in the water. Me and Levi have been going out a lot ever since I confessed a month ago.

We're on a date right now. He wanted to take me to the lake since it was hot today. I see him swimming towards me and he comes out from under the water and stands in between my legs. He wraps his arms around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck.

His glasses are off which is a rare sight because he never takes them off unless he has too, and today was one of those times. He kisses me and I kiss him back. We stay at the lake for a few moments more. I didn't really swim too much and I had my hair up so I was pretty much dry. I took my underwear, bra, and romper out my bag and changed in the back of the car while Levi packed everything up. Once I was done, I put my bikini in my bag and finished packing everything up while he changed.

After the lake, we went to get ice cream and then went to the park. Levi laid down on a park bench, propping himself up with the arm of the bench and pulled me in between his legs. He's gotten way more confident with being around people and especially with me.

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