Chapter 8

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⚠️Warning ⚠️

This chapter contains intense scenes and meetings killing in case you don't like that kind of thing. This chapter is not mandatory to read it's only her mission ☺️

Artemis' POV

Once I get to the leveling want to be at, I break the window open. I rush to get inside and leave the room quietly. Hades and Ares are making their up, being as discreet as they can. The heels of my boots make a small echo while the rest is silence. Not even my breathing can be heard.


I hide in the darkness of the shadows when I see guards. Too anyone else they might look intimidating. But to me, they look weak. Guards who are the size of them only rely on their strength which is a bad move. If you want to learn how to fight properly, you can't just work in strength. You need to work on your focus, make sure that you don't lose your temper because if you do, it'll either be your downfall, or you'll be going on a killing spree. And you won't be killing someone's bank account.

I'm about to knock them out when I hear more footsteps coming.

"Did you check it out."

"Yeah. There's a broken window, someone's in here."

They know I'm here.


I want them to be terrified.

"I'll sound the alarm."

"That's my cue." I thought.

Once they start walking away, I grab the closest guard to me, bringing him into the shadows with me and slit his throat with one of my throwing knives. The other two look back at where the guy was just standing with confused faces. I then throw his body back into the faint light of the moon.

"Holy shit! What the hell happed!?"

I run to the other side of the room while they're checking the guy I just killed, the echo of my heels much louder.

"What was that?"

I run again but this time, I give them a little laugh.

"She's here."


"The Shadow Hunter. If we want to survive we better either get everyone up here, or get the hell out."

"I don't get it. Why is everyone so afraid of her? She's a little girl whose just playing tricks on us. She can't do us any harm."

"Oh sweetheart," I say, stepping in and out of the shadows, running from wall to wall teasing them. "Don't you know who I am? I'm the devil's daughter. Some might even say I'm the devil herself. I'm the person in your worst nightmares. I'm the monster under your bed. I am the creature from the shadows. Hence why they call me," I finally step out of the shadows behind them.

"Shadow Hunter."

They look at me with fear in their eyes. The guy who mentioned me starts running away but before he can get far, I throw one of my daggers and it lands in his stomach. The other guy looks at me in horror but quickly covers it up. He rushes towards me and swings at me but I back away. He tries to punch me again but I grab his fist and push away. I then hit his face with my palm and and kick him in the chest. He falls onto the floor a couple meters away.

"Say goodnight." I say as I take out my sword.

Third person's POV


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