Chapter 6

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Artemis' POV

Another week has passed. I told my family about my mission which is now 4 weeks away. They still don't let me in on the mafia business but I think they will once they see what I can do. I still remember when dad had called me to his office the next day.


"You wanted to see me?" I ask walking into my father's office and sitting down.

"Yes actually. It's about you being an assassin." I nodded for him to continue. "I don't want you to be an assassin anymore. I want you to have the normal life you deserve."

I stared at him.


"Excuse me?"

"I said no. Being an assassin.. it's who I am. I'm in too deep to quit and I don't want to. My life has never been normal and with all do respect even if I do give up being an assassin, my life still wouldn't be normal because of the mafia."

"Being an assassin doesn't make you who are."

"You're right it doesn't....but it makes me happy. It's a part of me."

"This isn't you."

"You don't know me."

"Yes, I do. And this is not you."

"You don't know me well enough to know if this is me or not."

"You're an angel....our angel."

"The angel died long ago and the devil rose. And the devil has been here for as long as I can remember. And if you can't accept that, accept her.....then there's the damn door."

When I finished talking, my father stared at me with pride in his eyes.

This was a test.

A test to see if I would stand up for who I am and what I do.

And he was proud.

No one has ever been proud of me before. I let a small smile grace my face.

End of flashback

My friends and I are really close. Ashton and I have been hanging out a little after school. He seems familiar somehow but I can't really put my finger on it.

Now aside from that, it's come to my attention that my father has a mole. Want to know how I know? Easy. I know the Spanish mafia are my father's number one enemies. But how did they know I came back home? I haven't been anywhere outside of the house except for the mall the time I went shopping with mom and my triplets who were all wearing caps and school. I didn't even start hangin out after school before the beginning of the past week. Also, no one in school knows that I'm a Regio-Ivanov except my friends and Aspen and Ashur's friends.

Next, how did they know we'd all be in the house? Actually scratch that. How did they know I would be in the house?

Third, how did they know where my room was? The mole must've given them a layout of the mansion.

And finally, how did they know how many men were guarding the mansion. When we fought them off, there weren't that many men. Usually if you going into enemy territory to wipe them out or steal from them, you'd bring at least 300 men.

I decided not to tell my father until I was absolutely positive that we had a mole. So that's what I'm doing now. I just called in for my grandpas, uncles, my oldest 2 brothers, and my oldest cousins to come to dad's office. When I get there, everyone I called for is already. I walk in but instead of sitting down, I lean against the wall.

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