Alexis Voth

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Alexis looks like

Age 22



Alexis grew up as an only child with rich parents who gave her a small house she lives in by herself. She decided she'd rather not go to college and rather work, saving up money to make a life for herself. She had a relatively normal childhood but she got into tattooing after she saw the band Jinjer in concert years ago and she got to talk to Tatiana about tattooing and her adorable cat pepino.

She tends to be a very nice, sweet person full of compassion for others and disdain for people who are asßholes. She works as a tattoo artist in a small local shop and she also has a twitch where she plays a lot of video games.

She likes playing with animals, metal music, tattoos, playing sports, drawing/painting, driving.

She dislikes racists, pedophiles, homophobes

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