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A wee bit later and they have arrived back at STAR Labs. They have decided just to restrain him to a bed using meta-cuffs as there wasn't really anything else to do. I mean they had to make sure his cybernetics come back online and that he is alive. Now all they were doing was waiting for him to wake up. All stood around him - Flash in costume so Victor doesn't find out Barry is in fact the Flash. Suddenly his heart rate went of the chart but his cybernetic activity was still the same as it was when he arrived - life support only.

"Is he awake?" Barry asked Caitlin. Caitlin turned to Barry and shrugged her shoulders - showing she didn't know and went back to keeping an eye on the monitors. Victor started to twitch and move his head side to side before letting out a long breath and opening his eye - his cybernetics coming to life at the same time. "Where am I?!" Victor blurted out but he got no reply. "I said where am I?!" Victor shouted again.

He looked around the room to see where he was and who he was with. He looked lost. Like he didn't know what was happening or how he had got there. 

"Your at STAR Labs Central City branch." Barry said sitting and the bottom of Victor's bed. "And don't worry we have not spoken to your father but we think we should. I mean robbing a tech store when you are made of it. Something wrong and you don't want to go to your father?"

"You don't know nothing about my father. He disowned me as his son. Also I know it's you, Barry Allen wearing that costume and I would like you to take it off." Barry supersped back into normal clothes and came back to the. 

Victor was angry and was trying to break free while Caitlin and Cisco were holding him down. Harry was trying to figure out what was happening. Joe by this point has disappeared in fear that he was going to get hurt. "What happened! I was gone for like 2 seconds, maybe 3!" Caitlin looked worried for him. "He wants to kill you or at least his AI does."

"We think it would be better for you to go and let us handle this." Caitlin said, clearly in fear of Barry and everyone else in the room.

"Let me speak to him, calm him down." Barry said stroking the back of his head. He turned to the 3 and narrowed his eyebrows "...Alone."

"Yeah, no. He could kill you." Cisco blurted out. 

"I have superspeed. He can't kill me. He's not fast enough. Just let me speak to him."

"He can kill superman if he wanted to. How would superspeed help you?" Cisco asks. 

"Because I am more in tune than Superman is."

"Yeah." Caitlin sighed obviously not believing what Barry was saying, or maybe she was and was thinking that Barry was some mainic who thought could not be killed despite having been killed at least twice. 

"Just let me try." He breathes out. 

"Fine but if he kills you then it's your own fault." Caitlin looks at Victor and points at him. "Not his." Then they left Barry in the room with Victor. Barry leaned on the edge of Victor's bed and stared at him. He was trying to break free.

"Victor, are you there?" Barry asked calmly in a nice soothing voice. Stroking his arms and smiling like a jerk. 

"I will KILL you! You can't stop me, no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you want to. No matter how fast you go. You never will. I will always win and you know that, don't you Barry?"

"We stopped you with a tranq dart. We can do it again if and when you get out." He sighed. 

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because there is more than one of us. We are a team and you are one man. You may be the most powerful man in the multiverse but power is nothing without a team to share it with and you know that."

GRID turned his head and turned back to face him. "Yes, but you can't hold me forever. You won't live forever but I and my friends will. That's what you're missing. I am GRID, I am the start of a new era. I am a god and you will bow down to me. You will not define me and if you do, you will pay most dearly in turn."

"You are no god. No one is above another. Victor knows that. Even if you were, where is your body?"

"You do not mock me like that!"

"Well, I just did. You may be GRID as you so say, but GRID isn't a person, he is a virus in my friend. A friend I want back, right now!" Barry says, leaning closer to GRID.

"Well you don't always get what you want. Life's no fairytale like it says in the stories. There is no happy ending. Humans die leaving the God's to rule into the next era. That's life."

"Yes, but the God's don't want to destroy life, they want to help grow it, evolve. They don't do what you do. They don't want to destroy it and start anew."

"No one is perfect. Not even the Gods themselves. Heck, nor am I but I am right about one thing. Humans will destroy the world and you can't stop it. Not without killing half the population or maybe even a little bit more. Machines will save the world, not destroy it. You are just too scared to see the truth when it is right in front of you. You're pathetic."

"I don't care about what you do or say GRID but you are wrong about us not being able to save the world. All I want is my friend back and let me tell you one thing. When humans want something let me tell you this - we will never give up. We may fall but we will always get back up again. Victor if you can hear me I want you to please fight it." Barry partially begged the last five words before putting his head in his arms and crying.

Suddenly all the lights on Victor's body began to flicker between green(GRID) and red(Victor) then went black. A wee bit later and the lights were back on, thankfully they were red meaning Victor was in control - not his murderous AI.

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