Chapter 1 [Birth]

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[3rd POV]

On a night just like many those that came before it, one could look into the sky and see a few shooting stars in the distance, some were white while some were borderline blue. This wonderful spectacle had its spectators, down on Earth, on the single island surrounded by an endless ocean was a large building with a very artistical design in mind. Despite being so big the school was only being occupied by less than 30 individuals, all of which would be around for a very long time. Those same individuals were outside, laying on grass while watching the spectacle unfold. Their hair glistened in the light, various colours ranging from green to multicoloured white could be seen from hundreds of meters as they cheerfully looked on. 

"Master, look, that one is red!" cheered one of the figures, the figure had a feminine appearance and lustrous blue hair that split in the middle and became silver towards the other side.

The other figure that was addressed remained silent, watching a solitary crimson star harmlessly fly through the sky before it disappeared with a stoic expression. This figure was muscular and broad-shouldered bald male clad in Buddhist robes. They watched on as slowly every single star shooting across the sky became crimson in colour, it confused them and when they asked their sensei why the colour of the shooting stars changed he gave them an answer they were not expecting, "I do not know."

Nevertheless, the display remained beautiful until the very end, however, when the last shooting star appeared, it didn't harmlessly fly over the planet. Instead, it passed over the island and slammed into the watery depths of the ocean, sinking to the abyss. 

"Whoa! Sensei, that one fell into the ocean!" one of the few lustrous figures yells in amazement as many of her peers also say something similar, yet each sentence is different in its own way.

"So it would seem..." was the reply they were given by their "sensei" who simply looked over the horizon in the direction the meteorite fell. And with that, the wondrous spectacle was over. "You should go back to your rooms now. Sleep well." 

"Goodnight, sensei!" came the collective reply of the lustrous people before they all disappeared into the safety of a very large building, leaving the broad-shouldered bald male alone. He continued to gaze into the distance before closing his eyes and silently walking back into the building he dubbed... "school".

[1069 Years Later]

A long time has passed, yet all of the lustrous lifeforms that reside in a large building on a lonesome island have remained unchanged in their appearance. There were some new faces while there was a distinct absence of a few of them. Despite the fact one could easily spot even a single one of these vibrant people there wasn't a single one insight, the reason for that was simple, they were sleeping. Their bodies needed sunlight to function and it with the fact that there was no sun at night they all went to take a much-needed rest. Well, almost all of them. A single figure walked by the beach, her short red hair glistened in the moonlight as globs of silver floated around her body, absorbing light and feeding it to her so she could function in the night. 


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