Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Shigure’s POV

About ten minutes after Tohru fell asleep, so did Kyo. I knew I probably wasn’t going to get another opportunity, so I took some more pictures. Hatori probably wouldn’t approve, but who cares. Speaking of Hatori, he might know what to do. I walked over to the phone quietly so I wouldn’t wake the two teens up, who have somehow been moved to a futon in the living room. After a quick push of some buttons, the other line started ringing and I waited patiently for my old high school buddy to pick up.

"What do you want, Shigure? You better have a good reason for calling me. I was in the middle of Akito’s checkup."

"Hatori~ so nice to hear your lovely voice~ How are things at the main house? Hmm?"

"*Sigh* Shigure, if the only reason you called me was to bug me, then I will be sure to personally give you your flu shot next season."

I shivered at the memory of my year younger self and Hatori repetitively sticking me with the needle, saying he couldn’t get it in the right spot.

"No, no. There was a reason I called you."

"Then get to it already."

Man, somebody’s impatient.

"There’s something wrong with Tohru." I can tell my voice turned all serious, because Hatori went silent for a second.

"What’s wrong with her?"

Hatori’s voice turned to worry and you could tell that he was moving around on the other end, probably getting ready to come over here.

"Well, how do I put this? Nobody is changing when Tohru hugs us anymore. Oh, and she almost mauled the mail man." I snickered at the end of my sentence, remembering the look on the man’s face when Tohru was about to punch him. But it also gets me worried. Tohru has never resorted to violence before. I’m worried about her.

"Mauled the mail man?"

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it.

"Anyways, I’ll be over in a minute. Make sure Tohru doesn’t leave your sight. With what she did, or almost did to the mail man, there’s no telling what she would do if she goes out of the house."

"Rightio, boss~" I sang into the receiver and hung up before he could make some rude remark.

After I put the phone back in its place, I sighed in exhaustion and walked over to the dining room table to sit down. It would be another fifteen minutes until Hatori showed up, so I just resorted to watching Tohru and Kyo sleep, though, if Yuki walked in he would probably tell me to stop being such a stalker. I can hear it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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