When i was a younge teenager. i noticed how, i would watch people that radiated power in their presence. I would admire and feel a sense of security around then.
As a late teenager it was clear i would prefer to watch power related programs.I then started to pic boy-friends & friends who would either be powerful have money or be extremely intelligent.
Its was like, i was mesmerised into being that way. I reached university picked a course, which would give me a power status; and help me by giving me the freedom and flexibility to achieve that power. After all, i needed all the tools i could get to reach the goal i needed.
Intelligence results into strategy. Strategy is a big part of power; power attracts wealth. Learning the arts of manipulation was also a major key to achieve the goal i wish. All i had to do is keep my eyes open meet the right people and keep educating my self. And the rest was history.
The questions is why have this life goal?
First off i could start by saying it completely changed my life. I became a respected young lady. I managed to change status and have a collection of wealthy, able and powerful friends.
My life didn't drift like most peoples. because i was in control of my life. As a result i became content and more fulfilled. I became a captain of my life. That was a greater present anyone could give and God gave it to me.
Self dominance is the key to power.
Its true i had a secret. Many people did not know, I was a devout God friender. We would commune every single day. I meet him at the age of 18. Over time we grow close. He had been helping me with my goals, Only because we was friends. Thats what friends do they help each other. I helped him with his earthly empire and he helped me.
God was in fact a powerful ruler. so their would be no reason, for me not to be drawn to him. and me being me, i clearly would consider making alliance.
Powerful sexy & young
SpiritualYears ago people had a different definition of power. And it has stayed that way with the elites of this world today. The 1%. But to the rest of the world they only believe money is power. Hence why their not very powerful. The ancient definition...