Chapter 2

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~Soon-yi POV~

   I run up the stairs, to the top of the building of the school. It was the only peaceful place I had where no one would bother me. I found myself sitting on the old bench that was worn out from all the years as tears fell from my eyes. Why does things like this always happen to me? Why can't I just be invisible from everyone else?

"Soon-yi are you okay?" Turning my head around to find Bambam standing behind me with a tissue in his hand. I quickly turn around and wipe my tears. The last thing I want to do is to let them see me cry.

"Go away" I kept my head down so he wouldn't be able to see my tears. Why is he here for? Why doesn't he just hang out and laugh with Tiffany and the others?

"Why are you here? Just leave me alone?" He needs to just leave, I don't need him to pretend that he cares about me. I turn my head a little to see in the corner of my eye that he was still there.

"I came here because your my friend and I'm worry about you." I roll my eyes. "Friend" yeah right. He may say he's my friend now but later on. He will be like everyone else.

"Yeah Soon-yi." Oh great, the others came. Can't they just leave me alone already? I have enough deal with, then hanging out with a bunch of boys who will make it even worst.

"No you don't, just go away please." They all walk  toward the old bench and stood in front of me. BamBam kneel down and try to look in my face but I didn't bother to look up to see his face.

"Yes we do, we all are your friends and we'll stick by you no matter what happen." I look up to the sincerity in theirs eyes. Do they really mean that......or is this just another joke...

~Kai POV~

Seeing her with the new guys made my blood boil. Wait what?! Why am I even angry for. Could it be jealousy? No!What are you thinking Kai? Why should you care what she does? She just a ugly girl. Ugh, everything about her make you hate her even more. Just look at her making herself vulnerable for the new guys.

I am so glad that Tiffany pour her lunch over her. I mean she did deserve it, just look at her. Seeing her cry just made me laugh but I had this weird feeling in stomach ever since that day..... Forget about it Kai, it doesn't need to be remember. While I watch her run out the doors, made it felt even weirder.

Seriously though why is she sitting next to them? Can't she just seat by herself like always......

~Xiumin POV~

Why did they have to do that to Soon-yi? I couldn't bare to see her like this every day but I knew if I try to stop it I'll lose my best friends that stood by me from thick to thin. I may have a little crush on her. It's started ever since the day I met  her. Everyday seeing her like this made guilt eat me up inside.

But wait why was she sitting with the new guys? Does she like them or something? No, she wouldn't go for guys like them. It's just too crazy to imagine.

I don't even get why the others always bully her. She's so quiet and haven't seen her do one thing to them to make them hate her so much. I know deep down she wouldn't harm a thing. I just wish they would leave her alone. Staring at the commotion I wish that I was brave enough to step up for her..

"Wait where are you going? Don't go follow her she's not even pretty anyways. She's just a waste of space." I clinched my fist hearing her saying those words about Soon-yi. I look over to where the commotion was as I saw Tiffany holding on the new guys wrist with flirtatious eyes but he just pull away. I smile a bit of how she reacted to the rejection.

"YAH what are you smiling for?" I look up to see Tiffany with a pout. Great now she trying to play cute with. Yuck. But wait what about Soon-yi I hope she's okay..... Ignoring her comment I look over to the door where Soon-yi ran out from. [Random note:Tiffany is just some random girl with the name Tiffany. She is not at all suppose to be Tiffany from SNSD]

~Soon-yi POV~

Did the guys really mean what they meant? No, I don't think so but why would they follow me if they didn't? They could have laugh with everyone else but they actually wanted to help me and see if I was okay. What if it's just a trick?

"Should I give them a chance dad?" I pull out the out a picture frame of my father out the shelf and held it in my hand to look at it. Staring at him made me miss him even more. I missed his warmth and the smile of encouragement he always gave me. Even more I miss him being here with me...

"SOON-YI WHY IS THE HOUSE A MESS?!?!?" Oh my god, I forgot the clean the house. My mom going to kill me.

I quickly ran down stair to find my mother's boyfriend Jack. To this day my mom never seem hold a single relationship but ironically she been with him the longest but he always end up leaving and coming back. I roll my eyes. I can't believe it's this jerk again why does it have to be him.

"YAH did you just roll my eyes at me?!?Don't you disrespect your seniors." His voice sent shivers down my spine as I tremble in fear in realization of what I just done.

I felt sensation of pain struck my face as he struck his hand with force on my left cheek. Touching my lips to find blood dripping out. I stared at my mom for any sympathy at all but she just stood there rolling her eyes.

"What are you looking at? You deserve it anyways." Tears fill up my eyes causing my vision to be blurry. I try to run to my room but I was forcefully pull down to the floor.

"Don't you dare leave me when we are talking to you!" He held up his hand ready to struck me again. In reaction  I held up my arm to covering my face.

"Honey lets just go somewhere else. Let's just leave this worthless girl here." My mom tug his arm toward the door but he just pull away.

"No! I am not in the mood." He walked out the door, slamming it hard  enough for the vase next to the door to shatter to the floor. I kept my head down and look at the picture of my dad that I must of have forgotten to put up. I quickly hid it in my hands so my mother wouldn't see.

"Why did you have to do that you worthless girl?! You made him leave!! Are you listening to me Soon-yi?!?! I am talking to you!!! Look up at me Soon-yi!" She walk up and forcefully grab my hair. Traveling her eyes to the picture of my father in my hands. She quickly snatch it out of my hand and stared at the picture with a disgust look. My mother never really love my father, she regrets every living moment with him after she gave birth to me. I am the reason she hates my dad.

"You still have a picture of your stupid father. He the reason why I gave birth to such a worthless daughter like you. I could of had  an wonderful life but I am stuck in this worthless house with you. You both were just the same. Nothing but trash on the side walk. I should have left you on the streets where you belong!" She crumble up the photo then threw it straight in my face. Then storm off to the front door, slamming the door loudly. Looking at at the photo I quickly went to it to un crumble the picture.

It hurt so much hearing words like that coming from the person who supposed to love you and support you. I sat there sobbing on the cold floor. Even the person who gave birth you doesn't care about you.

Why I am I still alive........

(This CHAPPY is a little short sorry but I hope you guys enjoy)

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