<<< Sangkev >>>

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Sangyeon felt the muscles of his face relax, only then did he realize how sore his cheeks were as the skin loosened from the constrictions of creating a smile. The elder male watched as the young bubbly boy jumped over boxes and the previously thrown pillow to the door.

"Come in," he heard the man shout in English. After a second the brown haired male realized that he had just yelled for his guest to open the door on his own. Sangyeon was usually for meeting new people, but this was Kevin's friend, someone Kevin cared for deeply, someone he held almost the same as he spoke with Sangyeon himself, possibly more. What if this new friend was cooler? What if Kevin noticed and stopped being friends with him because his newer friend was better were thoughts that flooded through Sangyeons head. Sangyeon watched the door tentatively, staring it down, preparing to inspect every detail of whomever walked through that metal wall.

"Hi there," spoke a young smiling faced brunette. He wore a grey and plaid hooded sweater on top of a black t-shirt. Upon his back rested a large bright blue case, that seemed to be shaped to hold a guitar. Sangyeon took note that it could have been to impress rather than knowing how to play. Sangyeon had to admit, the kid was a looker, the room was dark, and dim with the blinds barely letting light seep through. But as soon as the young male stepped through the door, a ray of light blasted through, smashing the windows and putting the sun out of business. He smiled as soft as he spoke, tiptoeing with pointed toes on glass as he met to greet Kevin. Sangyeon was speechless as he glared at the boy, stating that this was his territory, and that he'd have to try and steal Kevin from him.

"Oh, hello there, I'm Jacob, Kevin's friend." He bowed politely, causing the case on his back to shift but he lifted it back up, not letting it drop. He smiled at Sangyeon, eyes large and sparkling, it was hard for Sangyeon not to awe at the uncanny cartoon-like features. Kevin looked between the two males, rubbing a drumstick to the back of his head before realizing he still held it.

"Sangyeon, earth to Sangyeon. Sorry, Jacob, this is my other friend I told you about."

"Oh yes, Kevin speaks a bit about you."

That was the sentence that snapped Sangyeon from his daze. "Kevin talked of me?"


ooOOoOo t e n s i o n (lol, when I wrote "ooOOoOo" I thought of that one time tbz read lyrics to DDD in a monotone voice while Kevin died in the corner)

So this was a Sangkev thingy, sorry if it's bad but I tried. Tbh, I don't ship Sangyeon with anyone because I always see him like a dad figure rather than someone who is besties with his kids. But this is part of the Sangkecob triangle. Up next is Moonbae! I hope whoever reads this enjoys none the less, still reminding this was in 10 minutes. Cool, I'm gonna go now, bye!

P.s. Today I found this thing

Because something else by "12 inch thumpers" was recommended to me. What the h is this, if someone can tell me please do!

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