five - a dream

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"It's only a couple more minutes from here." Grayson says, trudging through the dewy grass while I follow in suite behind him. I wasn't sure where we were going, or why, but I faintly remember talking about a nighttime adventure earlier this morning.

I just didn't know he meant so soon.

But I trust that boy with all my heart, no questions asked. He's been my neighbor for years and frankly, my first love. Although, he doesn't know that yet.

I watch him as he walks in front of me, his head held up high that only one of his small little smirks could hold. He seemed so brave and unafraid, while I was frightened by the trees around me. They were tall, drooping, and overall spooky. But the subtle warmth from just the thought of Grayson being here with me, faded all my worries away.

"Here, hold my hand." He suggests, stopping in his tracks and reaching his hand out for mine. I gladly take it, a small blush decorating my cheeks. Luckily it's too dark to see. "Be careful, we're almost there but this path is tricky." I coherently nod my head to his words, gripping his hand a bit tighter and watching my steps a little closer.

I keep quiet, focusing on all the rocks and branches that surround the area. It's seems like Grayson walks with so much ease while I struggle to keep up. "Grayson! Slow down!" I giggle, wrapping my other hand around our combination of skins. He quickens his pace, chuckling as he looks behind to see my struggle. "Grayson!" I trip over what almost looks to be a boulder, my body flying forward. I scream, starring at the sharp rock I'm about to come in contact with, and I know I'm doomed.

Before the sharp and pointy piece of the rock hits between my eyes, I feel a warm grasp wrap around my abdomen and pull me upwards. My yelling subsides as my body is pulled back to a stable and stationary position, in front of the luckily strong Grayson himself.

"You're an Asshole, Grayson." I frown, crossing my arms. His grip slid to my hips as he assured himself that I was steady, but his small touch did send a plethora of tingles down my sides, and it made me feel so gitty and forgetful of the moments before.

"Sorry, but we're just about there, princess." My heart fluttered at the name. Whether it was meant to be an insult or not, it sounded nice rolling off his tongue. He rewraps his hand around mine and walks slower than before in the same direction we were walking. I throw back a yawn as I reminisce on the late hour at hand, but the excitement still swirls through my body.

I truly don't know where he's taking me.

Our feet soon collide with a much more smooth path, rather than the rough one I almost fell in before. We come to a sudden stop, complete darkness shuttering the moon's brightness around me. "Wait right here, I gotta check something." He whispers, letting my hand go and walking a few steps in front of me. He seemed to be peeking through a branch of leaves, but I couldn't exactly tell.

"Okay now, close your eyes and walk a couple steps forward." He directs, his voice still only above a whisper. I shake my head and cross my arms in fear. "I'll fall again, Gray."

"No you won't, it's only a couple steps." His soothing voice calms me immediately. I largely sigh, slowly stepping forward, like he told me to, and I come in quick contact of him. I hear shuffling of branches and leaves, and I could feel his excitement from underneath my eyelids.

"Okay, open." I quickly open my eyes, adjusting to the new light and surroundings.


The full moon shown on the beach front, the waves crashing softly and the breeze running through the trees slightly. I travel my gaze down to the large, checkered blanket on the sand, an already lit lantern sat there and food spread around.

"G-Grayson, how-how did you do this—"

"Ethan did help me, but I've been planning this for awhile." He shyly smiles, taking my hand to guide me to his creation. We both take off our shoes and settle down, as I remain speechless and overjoyed.

"Grayson, this is wonderful." My eyes couldn't stop wandering around, taking in all of this detail. Every romance movie or book I've ever read or watched to this day could never compare to this.

If there was any moment to tell him that you loved him, the time is now.

"Can I, uhm, admit something to you?" I wearily ask, fidgeting with the ends of my pajamas.

"Of course, Y/N, I need to too.." He does the same as he begins to move around a bit, in what seemed to be a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I swallow a deep breath, exhaling slowly and rerunning the words in my head.

"Grayson, I think I love you. And, I have for the longest time. Ever since you've been neighbors with me, I've always had feelings. Oh god, I'm embarrassing myself, aren't I?" I facepalm my forehead, shutting my eyes tightly.

"That's funny, because I feel the same for you."


"Y/N, wake up." A hushed tone spoke in your ear, like an orchestrated melody in an empty room. Your eyes slowly opened, darkness still surrounding you but the warmth beside you made it relaxing. "What were you dreaming about?" He asked with a childish curiosity, tucking a hair soothingly behind your ear. Your heart skipped a couple beats and the hairs on your arms rose, but you remained composed.

"I can't really remember, something about the moon." You reply, yawning during the process. It was too normal feeling, like the two of you were used to beaming up in each other's grasp. You can't even remember when he had even gotten in your bed, but you didn't necessarily mind it..

You look up into his eyes, a striking similarity to someone that you've known before, but you just couldn't recollect who, exactly. "What's you name, Capturer." You gaze upon him, his warmth and protection all too familiar as well.

"Capturer, huh? I kinda like the ring of it." He looks up, smiling at the name you've given him, though it was initially an internal one. "But, you should know my name." It seemed so dark the way he said it, like he was the villain in a movie. Which, isn't so far fetched.

"Could you possibly give me some sort of hint? Anything that could help me?" You almost plead, watching as he lifts himself from your designated bed. In silence, he walks to your bedroom door, stretching his hands above his head in a yawn. He turns around, attaching his hand to the doorknob.

"I'm from your past."

to be continued...

Capture - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now