six - innocent wanderings

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The loud shutting of a door that reverberated through the entire house had quickly awoken you from your light slumber. You blinked a couple times to gain your surroundings, as one usually does when they first wake up. The sound of an engine starting had made it to your ears, the slide of a garage door following. It seemed to be an early hour, not even the sun was awake and shining quite yet. You weren't sure why, but you felt the urge to get up and look out at who was leaving. You knew almost for sure that it was just you and your capturer, but there could always be someone else that you didn't even know of.

This house is pretty large, it wouldn't be doubtful.

You get up from laying comfortably across the covers, hurrying your legs towards the huge window.You slowly pull away the drapes, the view of headlights clouding your already blurry vision. After quickly rubbing your eyes, attempting to rid the morning crusts from them, you're able to focus your eyes back out the window and watch as an expensive looking car entered the driveway. You couldn't tell what color or even type of vehicle it was, but the cab lights were on and the familiar silhouette was visible enough to know that it was him.

The vehicle continues to slowly drive through his driveway, only stopping when he comes in close contact of the oversized gate. It looked like he rolled his window down, reaching his arm out to tap something, you weren't exactly sure, but when the gates opened and closed, and he was out of view; you smiled.

You knew exactly what to do while he was away...

Something that's been bothering you for awhile, other than being forceful abducted and cooped up in a beautiful home, was the loss of not even knowing his name. Now, no one in their right mind would go snooping around in a strangers home, but no one in their right mind would steal someone either. So, it was a pretty good exchange.

You giddily rushed over to your bedroom door, twisting the knob and it opening without any trouble. It's quite weird he trusts you enough to keep all the doors unlocked and accessible.You close the door behind you as you exit, the extremely freezing floors bothering your feet the moment you stepped foot on them. It still appalled you as to why he kept it so damn cold around here, it doesn't make sense.

You run your hand along the wall, noting where his room is and training your eye on a certain door handle at the very end of the hallway. It could be just a closet, but it looked odd compared to the rest of the hallway's doors.

You find yourself finally in reach of the knob, not a second thought coming to you as you freely twist it open, yet another unlocked room. It's like he wants you to go around snooping.

You widen the double-doors to get an entire view of the room, a very cluttered yet clean looking office is what you've been opened to. It was a pretty spacious room, bookshelves decorating the walls leading up to his large desk. The entire room had a very dark and intimidating aura, almost ominous if you think about it too much.

You continue your tiptoeing walk towards the large desk, planting your hand upon the oak-finish and letting it travel around the curve. You plop down in his comfy office chair, softly giggling as you swivel around, eyeing the small picture frames set up around his computer. They were all innocent little family pictures until one of them caught your eye;

A picture of you.

Your breath became caught in your throat and you mind began to race, but you couldn't think too much of it. You were in a mission and you'd be damned if you never figured out his name.

Brushing the odd picture aside, which was luckily one of your better photographs, oddly from high school, you decide to tap on his computer. Swirling the mouse around, it comes to life in an instant and you can't help but notice that it doesn't have a password either.

Capture - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now