four - almost

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When you felt the warmth of his hand radiate around the coolness of your ankle, your heart fled from its natural position, all the way down to where he resistantly gripped you. And with a sigh, you fall to him. Hopelessness filled you and you knew he'd keep you one way or another. If there was any chance of escaping, this would have been it.

Your body was swiftly caught by his massive arms, and he held you tightly. Not only in fear of you trying to break free of him, but in pity of your sake. "Y/N, you can't keep doing this. I can't let you go, it's too dangerous." His hard and complex composure was stiffened and your body began to shiver with the urge to cry, revolt, and frankly a want to bash his head in. "What's too dangerous?! You can't fucking keep me here forever. I want to go home, and see my family and friends again. Not this stupid fucking house and it's stupid fucking walls that I look at everyday!" You held back the sobs of pain, whilst you gritted your teeth and spat your endless reasons as to why you want to leave this dungeon of a home. He didn't show any signs of emotion, although his eyes glimmered with a tinge of remorse.

"Listen, and do it well Y/N. All your questions and disturbances will be dealt with at a later time. You may continue your petty little escape attempts, but that will only lengthen your stay here. The better you act and obey me, the more freedoms and control you will have within this household. Understand that if you continue your acts of disobedience, you'll earn consequences." His voice was stern and cold as he walked the both of you back into the stubbornly freezing house, where your heart sank lower into your stomach and a sudden arousal drifted through you. Being held flush against his bare frontside, and the strong scent of his lingering cologne made you want to fling every piece of clothing that disconnected your bodies from being skin-to-skin.

"Consequences, you say? What're you gonna do? Tie me up and make me suck your cock? Spank my ass like it even hurts?" You breathe against his ear, his grip tightening around your suspended body. "Edge me until I'm begging for your permission to cum? Fuck me like a man would? Though, you've barely done any of those things, have you?" He groaned deeply to your words, kicking open a door and slamming you against it with your feet dropping to the ground. He roughly grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, eyeing you with a sort of distressed anger you've never witnessed before.

Well, fuck.

"Are you questioning my ability to pleasure a women, Y/N?" You struggled under his firm grasp, a throbbing slickness beginning to pool at your core. Your body really had a mind of its own, it clouded your mind with images of him— doing exactly everything you had mentioned before, but better. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, your eyes blaring into his challengingly. "More so punish, don't you think?" The hairs upon the nape of your neck raised as he lowered his body closer to you, only a few inches of distance between.

In an instant, he lowered his hands to the valley of your hips and spun you around, roughly pushing you against the door as he reattached his hands with yours right above your head. "You're a bit mouthy today, hmm?" His deep voice presumed right against your ear as he collided with your backside, removing one of his hands from above you and slipping it under the hem of your dress. He slowly ran his hand slowly up your thigh, creating a trail of goosebumps along with it. "Well you're a little fucking touchy today." You silently grin at your own little comment, though that quickly fades away as he reaches his hand up, cupping his large hand around your breast. "You think I'm touchy, huh?" He fiddles his fingers around your nipple, pinching only soft enough to send a small shock throughout your body. "M'hm, sir."

Your reply seemed to frustrate him further as he drew his hand from under your silky night gown, gripping your hips and pushing you to the bed with what sounded like a growl almost. You turned yourself around to face him, sitting up on your elbows as you mischievously grin. "Oops, my bad, I meant yes Daddy." Just two words is all it took for him to come to his final breaking point. He initially froze, except for his hardening cock, and just gave you a cold stare. He brought his hand up and motioned to you. "Come here." To his words, you slowly rose from your position on the bed and stood, taking only a few steps until you were close enough to decipher the natural color of his eyes.


"Remove this." He said in almost disgust, pinching the fabric of the nightwear you were under. You simply bent down, running your hands down your sides until your fingers were met with the ends of the fabric. From there, you pulled it up and over your head without a second doubt, revealing your half-bare nakedness to his eyes.

Not like he hasn't seen it before anyway...

His eyes lingered upon your breasts a little long as well as your physique, until he noticed the small indent of your ribcage against your torso. You hadn't eaten very much of anything in days, so you did look a bit— malnourished. A sudden wave of guilt erupted inside of him, his brows dipping downward and his eyes drooping. "I want you to go and take a shower, Y/N. There will be some clothes on the bed for you." He drew his eyes away from you and slipped his hand along your shoulder and below to the small of your back to guide you to the restroom. You covered yourself with your arms and knitted your brows together, unhappy with the switch of things.

But a shower does sound quite nice..

"Is there anything specific that you'd like for breakfast?" It was so weird how his change of tone went from frustrated and horny to soft and caring. "No, anything sounds good." You shortly replied, setting yourself beside the tub. He only nodded, letting his hand drift away from you, removing the nice warmth.


Warm showers are underrated.

You didn't take quite a long one, you only washed up and rinsed off, but the detachable shower head did look tempting...

After you had dried off and wrapped a towel around your head and a separate one around your body, there was a neatly folded pile of clothes laid on the bed as he had mentioned before. It wasn't stringy lingerie or a skimpy night gown, a simple shirt and sweatpants— something you've honestly missed wearing.

It was rejuvenating to feel fabric against your legs, and a hell of a lot warmer than before. Maybe you'd be a bit more comfortable with the freezing temperatures.You pulled the loose shirt over your head just as a knock erupted from the bedroom door. "Come in?" You questionably answer, readjusting the towel above your head.

He didn't have manners before..

"Do you like homemade pizza?" He questioned through the door, making a low grumble roar from your stomach and a smile widen your lips. "Yes, I do." Now you were grinning ear-to-ear as he entered the room, a large plate that had three heaping slices of the most beautiful pizza you've ever laid eyes on. The tall glass of ice water in his other hand sent you over the edge too. "God, that looks delicious." You basically drool as he hands it to you, an amused teeth-showing grin upon his lips as well. You take the plate and set yourself on the bed, practically inhaling all the water and attacking the first piece.

"Holler if you want some more when you're done." He somewhat chuckles as he goes to leave the room. "Did you fix your little problem?" You ask just before he grabs the knob, raising a brow and your lips forming into a funny smirk. "If you're suggesting what I think you are, then no." He simply answers, shutting the door as he leaves.


"My mom's gonna kill me Grayson!" I whisper-scream with wide eyes, slipping out of my window and onto the rooftop. "Don't be such a wimp, it'll be fun." The little boy motions as I fully escape out of the house, grabbing his hand for guidance.

to be continued...

Capture - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now