1. 'Little Hope'

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  • Dedicated to Gilpin, Jerome, and Tanaya

Copyright © 2015 | Taylor Magnuson |

Edited by: Taylor Magnuson

His smile was so big, that it appeared as if it could never stop, even

if he tried. Gilbert Write was the most happy looking child I have

ever seen in my life. Even though it looked like he was in the arms of

sin, he still loved his mother, and he was happy.

For a little while.



I hurriedly packed the few belongings I could think of. Being only

four, I didn't know exactly what to do. But I also helped Gilbert and

Reyna pack a few of their things. The man from the foster care

institute was coming to pick me and my siblings up today.

Mom and dad were drug addicts and weren't fit to take care of us. I

kinda knew what was going on, but not enough to fully understand.

Reyna was only a year old, and Gilbert was three, and now they would

have to grow up through the foster care system. Unless they got

adopted of course.

I heard a knock on the door, and a tall man with slick black hair and

soft brown eyes stepped into my room. How he got into the house, I

have no idea, but he was from the government, so I just assumed they

had their ways. Or a key.

I quickly was grabbing the last of my belongings, but before I could

shove a red picture frame into my bag, I stopped to examine it.

My mother, Carissa, had hair like a raven, and blue eyes that

resembled a hawk. She had a big tattoo on her left arm, of I don't

know what, and her facial features were well defined. Her cheek bones

stood out, and her face looked almost too tight. But she was

beautiful. She just didn't see how beautiful she was without

everything else.

Dad was kinda similar to mom in some ways, but he had brown hair and

hazel eyes. He was almost too skinny, just like mom. He too had a

tattoo on his arm to, and he looked hollow. As if the life was being

drained from him.

Then there was me, I have no idea where I came from. Unlike my

parents, I have red hair, and hazel eyes. My face is dotted with

freckles, and I look healthy and good compared to them.

Right next to me in the picture was my little brother, Gilbert. He

had hair just like mom's, and he had her eyes, but other than that, he

didn't resemble her at all. He had dad's smile though.

Then there was Reyna. I don't even know who she looks like yet. In

the picture she was a 6-month-old baby, with closed eyes, and a pink

ribbon on her almost bald head. She was so innocent looking in the

arms of my guilty parents. I'm surprised she lived through birth.

After all, my parents did drugs and smoked all the time, and from what

I've heard, the baby should have been sick.

I quickly put the photo into my bag, and walked out the door with the

man. We got Gilbert and he carried out Reyna. As we stepped out the

door, I quickly ran back for two more things. I grabbed a photo for

Gilbert and Reyna, and the old tin box my parents always said would go

to us some day. But it had a lock, so I didn't know how we would open

it, but I grabbed it anyway.

Then I headed out the door with Gilbert's hand in mine, and hopped

into the back of the black car.

As we were driving away, the man, who's name was Steven, explained to

us how foster care would work. We would be moving around, staying with

different people, and hopefully someone would adopt us soon.

My parents were put in jail for a short time due to their lack and inability to care for me and my siblings, but we wouldn't be allowed to go back to them,

that was how it worked in Pennsylvania.

We're originally from Edinboro, that's where we were born, but Steven

explained that we would be moving to 'Little Hope' for our first week in foster care.

Ironic, I know.


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