8. Mariana Trench

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I was just about to drift off to sleep, when I felt my phone vibrate.

I unlocked the screen, and went to messages. It was from Gil.

Gilbert: Love You

I really didn't know how to handle this. And being a girl, I.... just broke down.

I started crying. Like a LOT. I didn't know how to think, or how to

feel, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him that I loved him too.

As tears rolled down my face and splashed onto my pillow, I weakly typed.

Me: ?

Me: Gil... Promise me you won't hurt me

Gilbert: How could I hurt you?

Me: You could tear my heart to pieces

Gilbert: Oh ok

After that, I didn't feel like replying. I was worn out. But no matter

how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was

Gilbert. I couldn't stop crying either. For one, how did I know that

he REALLY liked me? I mean, I know I'm not hideously ugly, or a total

idiot, but being liked by a boy for more than a social status wasn't

the norm.

There were too many instances that my heart has been broken, for me

to just accept this.

Riley Simmers for example. He is my best guy friend. He lives in

Portland Maine. I had a thing for him a while back. For almost a year

now, actually. But recently he liked some girl up there. She wasn't

pretty at all, had the face of a broken television, and eyes like a

cat. I don't even want to think her name, because it makes my blood

run cold. I kinda wish I could strangle her like 90% of the time.

Seriously, my hate for her is so deep, that Mariana Trench would be jealous.

With a measured depth of approximately 35,797 feet below sea level,

making it the deepest known place on Earth. To give you an idea of

just how deep the Mariana Trench is, if Mt. Everest were placed in the

deepest part, there would still be over a mile of water above its peak

It's really kind of sad how much I dislike her.

I once had a dream, that I was so mad, I cut off all her ugly, brown,

stupid hair

Ironically, (this proves my suspicion that I'm psychic), the next

picture she posted on Facebook, all her hair was cut off!! AND in the

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