In the Morning

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Sean POV

We fell asleep like that. Andie laying on my shoulder and me with an arm around her. Once in a while during the night andie would wake up to get some painkillers but I told her to stay laying down and I ran and got them. I noticed that when she tried to move her leg she couldn't. I don't know if it was because she was asleep or if it's her knee but I tried to stay still so I wouldn't knock into her.

I carried andie down the stairs and put her on the couch. Her hair is down and as wavy and curly as always. She's wearing a bra and another pair of my shorts, and from the sound of it, it wasn't easy to change. Camille helped her but still I feel bad. "Can you get my crutches." Andie asks in her usual raspy voice which I love. I run over and grab them.
"Here you go my lady." I say bowing. Andie laughs. The cuts on her face are still noticeable and the bruises on her shoulder and abs are getting more noticeable. The rest of the crew decided to go and talk to the Vortex people about the tv show so it's just me and Andie.

I go into the kitchen and grab the room service menu. Hey why make food when you can get it without effort! I ask Andie what she wants but she says she doesn't want anything. "Are you sure? Do you feel ok?" I ask her. She looks down and then back up at me.
"I don't know just no hungry I guess." She replies. I give her a worried look and she just grabs her crutches and goes in the other room. Okayyyy....something is wrong.

I order my food and while I'm waiting for it to get here I go and find Andie. She is watching the video of the dance we did at the vortex in the final round. "Andie what's going on?"

She ignores me. Always been stubborn.

"Andie?" I say a bit louder. She looks up and has tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and fold her in my arms.

"I can't dance for 5 months Sean. How do you think I'm doing."Andie snaps. Stay calm Sean don't get mad. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap like that but I'm just so mad! And I can barely walk... oh wait I mean I can't walk! What am I gonna do?" Andie looks back down at her phone and continues to watch the video with watery eyes. I take a deep breath and look down at the video too. It's at the part when me and Andie are dancing with eachother before the lift. "Sean this was my favorite dance and the best dance I've ever done. I don't want to miss out again on dancing." She whispers. I pull her close to my side and kiss her head.

"Hey everything is gonna be okay. You'll be up and dancing before 5 months is over cause I know you can do it and I know how strong you are. That was my favorite dance too. You were amazing and you still amaze me every day. Andie trust me you'll be dancing in the next 2 months because you are so strong. Don't cry ok. Everything is gonna be fine." I say as she buries her face in my chest. I hear a knock at the door and I get up to get it. It's my food. I walk back into the room and hand Andie the food I got her even though she didn't want it. It's and omelet with a ton of stuff in it. It looks so good. Andie takes a few bites and soon falls in love with it.

When we are done eating I get up to put the plates on the table or in the sink I don't know. Andie comes up behind me on her crutches and gives me a hug. I turn around to face her and lean down. I gently kiss her and I feel her relax against me. We go and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. The vortex has been playing replays of the show and of coarse when I turn the tv on its on VH1 which happens to be playing the vortex. It shows Andie holding the torch and everyone dancing. I change the channel and put on the voice. It's singing not dancing so this shouldn't be too depressing. We are watching the voice when I have the sudden urge to kiss Andie.

It stays off slow and gentle but gets faster and a lot more intense. I love Andie. Her lips are so soft and her skin smells so sweet. She starts to move against me and I groan. I move her closer as if that was possible and there is no air between us what so ever. I start to kiss down her jawline and down her throat. When I get to where her shoulder and neck meet I bury my face and start to kiss her there. She sighs. I smile, she's so perfect. I move back up to her jaw and see the cuts on her face. There are only 2 and aren't too big but they are noticeable. I kiss each scrape and she smiles. I look down and see the bruises on her shoulder and stomach. I look away trying to contain my anger. My Grip on Andie gets tighter and I feel her shift under my arms. She takes her hand and puts it on the side of my face. She turns my head towards hers. She then kisses me so softly I thought it wasn't even there. I kiss her roughly and move my hands up and down her sides. I feel Andie wince. I immediately pull back to see that she is holding her side where her ribs are bruised. "Andie I am so sorry are you ok I wasn't thinking about it." My grip on her was too tight. She winces and nods. I drop my head and put it in my hands. Andie starts to rub my back and leans over to me.
"Hey Sean it's ok I'm fine. Don't worry." She says.
"Andie I just hurt you! I'm so sorry baby. "I start to shake and when Andie tries to say something I cut her off. "Andie I just hurt you. Not purposely but I hurt you and what happens if it's more than just your ribs next what if it's your knee? I would never forgive myself."
"Whoa Sean hold on yeah it hurt for a minute but it's fine now it doesn't hurt. Ok? You didn't hurt me I'm fine." Andie moves my hands away from my face.
"I just can't stand seeing you hurt. It hurts me. I want to keep you safe but I didn't. I should've done something when i saw jasper with you.its basically my fault that your hurt" that's when Andie slaps my face not too hard but I feel a sting. She stands up using her crutches.
"Sean stop saying that stuff. It's not your fault. You didn't hurt me! I'm perfectly fine! You kept me safe you protected me! Stop saying all that shit!" Andie yells. When Andie was talking I didn't notice the crew standing in the doorway. They saw Me and Andies argument and probably saw the whole slapping thing. I know she did it to knock some sense into me. The crew stands there In Silence. Every mouth is open. Andie looks behind her to see them and looks back at me. She sits down on the bed again and the crew slowly files in.
"So what's going on?" Moose asks. He looks at Andie who is staring off into space.
"Sean accidentally touched my bruises and it hurt for like a minute but then it went away. He feels bad cause he 'hurt' me even though he didn't and then he said that it's his fault I'm injured even though it not! I tried telling him that but he won't listen so after he said that I slapped him to knock some sense into him." Andie replies. Moose looks at me.

"Really? Is that what happened?" He asks. I nod.
"Yeah I just don't like to see Andie hurt and I could've done something to stop jasper but I didn't. So now she's hurt." Moose just laughs.
"I think Andie is right, it's not your fault and she seems fine. I don't like to see Andie hurt, or anyone hurt but getting hurt us part of life. You couldn't do anything about it and it's fine. Do I think Andie should have slapped you, not really but it was kinda funny to watch but I think You are blaming yourself for no reason and I think Andie should apologize for hitting you. Even if it was funny." Moose says as he high fives Andie. For slapping me? He's mean I laugh to myself.
"Ok" Andie says," I'm sorry Sean that I kinda flipped out on you." She apologizes.
I laugh as I move closer to her holding her body up against mine. "It didn't even hurt and im sorry for acting like that" I say. she laughs.
"Oh so it didn't hurt? I can make you cry if I need to. One punch and your out." We both laugh. I pull her in for a kiss and the whole entire crew starts making gaging sounds. I smile against Andies lips. When I pull away I give her a light hug and our family walks into the other room for some tv and food. I love my family. I love all of them. I can't live without them. I need each and every one of them. Our family wouldn't be the same if even one person wasn't here. We need eachother.

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