I miss him but I dont love him

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Andie POV

We walk back into the living room and we eat. Then I decide that I'm gonna attempt to go up the Stairs with my crutches. The crew is at the bottom and Jason and hair are Betting on wether ill get there or not.

Sean walks up with me just to make sure I don't fall but he lets me try to get up the stairs by myself.

First step. Easy. Second step. I get my crutches on it and pull myself up. Easy. Third forth fifth sixth are easy. By the Time I get to the seventh step out of 15 I begin to trip a little. I don't fall but its getting a little Harder. I make it all the way to the twelfth before I stop and lean against the railing. I take a few breaths and pull myself up. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Yay I made it. Everyone is giving me a round of apluse and Sean hugs me.
"Damn it!" Jason yells. We all look at him. "I just lost the bet!"
Jason thought I wouldn't make it. He's so mean. I laugh to myself.

Sean has to carry me downstairs but I know I can go up if I need to and if I have about 2 minutes cause it took 2 minutes to get up there.

We get downstairs and just hang out. No one is really dancing and I'm kinda glad cause then I would feel left out. Sean looks happy. He really does and that makes me happy. Jason and eddy who are now drunk come up and give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. They reek of alcohol but its pretty funny. The best part is what they do next. Jason and eddy go over to Sean and kiss his cheeks. The whole entire room is dying of laughter while Sean is wiping off the kisses and playfully pushes the two guys.

Later when it's time to go to bed moose and Camille go to their room, the other go into theirs and Sean takes me up to mine. I throw my crutches on the floor and sit down on the bed. Sean goes takes off his shirt and does the same. I stare at his abs. They are so sexy I swear. I'm wearing a bra and sweatpants and look down to see that the bruise is still really noticeable. Great.

We lay looking up at the ceiling for a while until I break the silence. "Sean?"

"Yeah" he replies.

I decide to say something about Emily cause I'm still wondering about it. "Did you love dancing with Emily."

I see Sean suck in a breath. "When we were part of the same crew yeah cause she was an amazing dancer but I don't anymore."

I sit up and Sean leans back on his elbows. "Do you still love Emily?" I ask.

Sean looks away and I see his body stiffen. When he looks back at me and it doesn't look like he's gonna say anything I just nod. "I think i got my answer." I say. I turn my back to him and lay down. I can feel his eyes watching me but I don't care. I shut my eyes and when he presses his chest gainer my back I elbow him in the stomach. Whoops. Oh well. he grunts from the impact but presses up against me again.
"Hey andie. I don't love her anymore. I love you. I'm over Emily. She's on tour I have moved on. I only love you now. I only want to love you." He says. I turn around to face him and he grins.

"Are you sure cause the reaction I got when I asked you was different than that. "I say.

" I just didn't know you were gonna ask me that I got thrown off guard so I was confused. Andie I only love you. I'm over Emily." Sean replies.

"Ok. I get it if you miss Emily. I still miss chase. I don't love him but I do miss him. "I say.

"You never told me the whole story about chase. I don't even know the guys last name. I need details." He laughs.

"Chase Collins. I first bumped into him at this club called the dragon where my crew sometimes went to dance. I was part of this crew the 410 and they were amazing. I skipped school to go to rehearsal. Everyone had to skip. Sarah my moms best friend who was supposed to take care of me when my mom died said she would send me to Texas to live with my aunt If I didn't behave better. My friend Tyler got me an audition for this school he went to. MSA. Chase was there at the audition cause his brother is Director Collins at MSA. All the other people did boring ballet Dances but I did this hip hop combo. Chase liked it and thats part of the reason I got in. Director Collins was gonna reject me but chase told him to let me in the school. When the 410 found out I was going to school and that's why I was missing rehearsal they kicked me out. I told chase and he said we should start our own crew. The MSA crew. It was me, chase, moose, my girl missy, kido, hair, monster, this guy named cable, another guy named smiles, and this girl named fly. We were amazing. Over time chase and I started to like each other and when we won The Streets, a dance competition from where i came from, we kissed. We started dating for almost a year I think, chase and I were on tour, different schedules and he started to care more about dancing than about me. So yeah that's the story of me and chase. Of course there was more stuff that happened in between but that would take forever to explain."i take a deep breath. Sean looks at me.

"You were part of the MSA crew? That crew was amazing! Andie that's amazing, and chase is a real loser cause he lost the best thing in the world. You. " Sean says. I laugh.

"Now tell me about you and Emily."

Sean takes a deep breath. "Ok well I was part of the Mob and me and some of the guys worked a this hotel called the Dimont. Emily Anderson's dad, Bill Anderson was our employer. Me, eddy an some of the guys went to the beach club at the hotel we worked at. I saw Emily and we started dancing. At first she started dancing wierd and I'm like is that all you do and she said no. She starts dancing like crazy and then I start dancing and we got to be friends. We found out that her dad was gonna tear down my neighborhood and the whole strip just to build another hotel. Emily wanted to stop her father so She asked to join the mob and so I brought her to rehearsal and asked eddy if she could join. He let her and told her she was gonna dance lead. The first mob she did was just for performance art but then she said we needed to start doin mobs for protest art. To stand up against her dad. The rest of the mob didn't know that Emily was the daughter of the asshole that was trying to tear our neighborhood down and me and her didn't tell them cause I knew eddy would flip out. The second mob she did was to interupt her dads meeting to make plans for the new hotel. It worked and for a while it seemed like our neighborhood was safe. Emily was trying to get into this company called windwood and I helped her with her dance. We started to like each other and start dating without really announcing it. When eddy found out that Emily was the daughter of the man we are trying to go against he mobbed this gala that was for the plans of the hotel. They made a video that showed Emily going agonist her father an they completely ruined the gala. Emily thought that i was in on the mob that happened even though I wasn't. She got really mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. She ended up not getting into windwood. A bunch of crap happened with the mob but then we decided to do one more mob. At the ceremony that was being held to announce the new hotel being built we protested. Protest art. Emily was there and after we finished the mob eddy started playing the music that me and Emily would do her dance for windwood to. Me and Emily did the dance and her dad who didn't want her to be a dancer cause he thought that dancing doesn't get you anywhere In life, watched it and changed his mind. They didn't build a new hotel. Then after that Emily and I started dating again and we broke up cause she was on tour and me and the mob were doing this Nike ad. So yeah that's the story of me and Emily."

"A lot more interesting than my love story." I laugh. Sean laughs too.

"Well guess what. " Sean says.

"What" I ask.

"We miss those people but we love each other. They are in the past. We are over them." He says.

I nod," yeah. I love you Sean"

"Love you too andie." He leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back. His lips are so perfect and he's so gentle.

I pull away and grab my knee. "This damn knee. Can you grab my medicine?" I ask sweetly. Sean groans and gets up To get them.

"Don't get to attached to those meds. I don't need you being a drug addict." We laugh.
"Trust me I won't" I reply.

Sean pulls me up against his body and I can feel the heat of his skin on mine. I lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep thinking about my life and how lucky I am to have Sean.

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