Chapter 3

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Fly Jackson


I had been following her baby daddy for a while now and it was about time he found out why his beautiful lady was having early morning and late nights.

"I'm about to tell him that I'm fucking his bitch before I put a bullet in between his eyes"

"So this is what this all about Fly proving a point if you don't turn down that corner right now I'm not playing with you" Temeka said grabbing my gun out the glove compartment and aiming it at me.

I smirked at her and kept following him knowing damn well she don't got the balls to do anything if she knows what's best for her.

POW! The bullet pierced into my arm and I screamed at the pain it caused. I couldn't believe this bitch really just pulled the trigger. I underestimated her goofy ass.

"YOU DUMB ASS BITCH" I screamed as I turned on the next street and pulled over.

"My daughter is in the car with him Fly I wasn't about to let you do anything to put her in danger" Temeka said fiddling with her fingers.


I balled my fists up and went to work on her pretty ass face by the time I was done her face was bloody and bruised, and her eyes was black. She passed out right in the car. After realizing what I had done I knew I had just fucked up.

Shit was never supposed to get this bad between me and Temeka to the point I put my hands on her. It happened to fast. I started the car back up and headed towards my crib.

Shit been real lonely since Telena left my ass. Unfortunately I was fucking with Temeka way before she left. Shit was never supposed to get deep with me and Temeka I was just supposed to be using her to milk information from her about her baby daddy. My biggest enemy Antonio known by Tone.

Before I owned a club I was one of the biggest kingpin drug dealers. After I called myself cheating on Telena with a bitch that set me up I turned a new leaf in life.

The beef between me and Tone been going on for years. When I left the drug game I handed it over to my brother but he ended up getting locked up on some snake shit which I feel got a lot to do with Tone. So now Tone then took completely over the streets.

To the point he got muthafuckers sneaking and selling his product in my club. Me and Tone used to be friends once upon a time but like wise friends turn into foes. We spilted half the city he didn't come on my turf and I didn't come on his. A mutual agreement out of the respect we used to have for one another.

Him selling his product in my club was now crossing the line. The night I found out he was doing it is the night I met Temeka. So yes at this point it is about proving a point.

Don't nothing hurt a nigga more than his bitch fucking his homie or his bitch fucking his enemy. Especially when the bitch is the Mother of his child.

I pulled up to the crib and got out I went around to Temeka side and grabbed her carrying her into the house wedding style. I laid her down on the couch. As I went and grabbed my First Aid kit out of my bathroom.

Thankful for my early drinking this morning I didn't have to leave the bathroom. I poured the bottle of Hennessy over my wound then dug my fingers in it to pull the bullet out once I pulled the bullet out I screamed as I sewed it up. After finishing I dressed my wound and wrapped it up.

No matter how many times I then had to do this the shit still hurt the same way. I cleaned up my mess I had made and grabbed a towel and ran it under warm water. I ringed the towel out and took it downstairs to Temeka.

She was still sleeping so I wiped her face off and took her shoes off. I sat there looking at her face I truly had done a number on her. I don't know how but I can't let her go home like this. It was gone send a red flag and start a war.

Shit was about to get real bad now. Especially at the fact that Temeka wasn't about to be coming home. I went into her pocket and grabbed her phone.

I then took a hammer and smashed it up if Tone was still the Tone that I knew he would come looking for her and I can't afford for that nigga to be knowing where I lay my head at.

"Damn" I said out loud I couldn't believe I put my hands on her. This is one of the reasons Telena left my dumb ass. I dropped a pack of clear blue pregnancy test on the table for Temeka to use once she wakes up she had been complaining about her period being late and how if she was to be pregnant I was the Father.

I headed towards the basement in my house. I had a bar down there and a drink was real needed. I poured myself three double shots of 1942 Don Julio.

I needed something to ease my mind and this liquor was going to do exactly that. At the bullshit that was about to start due to me letting myself black out and beating the fuck out of Temeka.

If Telena would've never left me I wouldn't even have done none of this shit her letter replayed over and over in my mind and honestly it feels like I'm losing my mind.

All I've been eating is muthafucking take out. Man I miss her cooking forsure and I definitely missed her ass. I opened the club up to be Twenty Four hours and spent the majority of my time there.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO" I heard screaming. I sat my last shot down and footed up the stairs.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked Temeka. I felt something hit my face. I looked down at the pregnancy test that was facing down.

I flipped it over and I couldn't believe my eyes. This bitch was most definitely pregnant now the question is who's baby is it?

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