New Mission

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Hey guys.... I know it's been a long time I never publish. I am so busy this month and that's make me feel so tired and lazy. I know I said that this is going to be one-shot story but I change my mind. Since this is 2021 so..... I think I had more time. Also this is gonna be longest story. I had make my mind. Sounds easy but when I make it, it gonna be long. So without any further a do, let's start the story!!


Boboiboy POV:

It was amazing!! I wish it could stay like this! You guys might wonder what am I talking about right? Well, it all started from the Diamonds. Ever since we met them..... Kinda hard to communicate with them in normal way. They never treat the other fair cause they sounded like selfish and now they still get use to be kind. I kinda happy and proud about their improvements.

We were walking to the control room since commander suddenly called us. Maybe a new mission. It's been 5 days straight without any mission from commander and admiral. I wonder what was the mission is.

After a few minutes of walking and chatting around, we finally arrived at the control room. When we entered, I kinda suprise. Why Maskmana, Ramenman, Captain Kaizo and...... my dad here? Is the mission going to be complicated? Hmm..... I should let the senior talk first....

End POV.

They were sitting around the giant table. Fang yhen started the conversation.

Fang: So..... What was the call for commander?

C.Kokoci: We got a mission from the Diamonds.

All except the senior: Mission from the Diamonds?

("Senior" is the short form for the person that had a higher rank then the other.)

A.Tarung: Yes. They suddenly called us yesterday and ask us to explore a planet. We don't know what planet is that. Either the Diamond too.

C.Kokoci: They had send us the location of where the planet is.

Gopal: Why they don't discover the planet by themselves?

Maskmana: We don't know why? Even they said they can't go there. Maybe because how the planet look.

 Maybe because how the planet look

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(I don't know. I'm bad at drawing something like that.)

Yaya: That planet look kinda scary. What should we do after we arrive at the planet?

C.Kokoci: That just said to explore and discover the planet. After that, tell them about the planet.

Ying: That's it? Maybe that planet do be related to them...

All except Ying: Related to them?

Ying: I had discover the planet by where the planet location is and I get.....

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