Chapter Twenty-Five

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Welcome to high school

A place full of dread 

You'll either be thriving 

Or wish you were dead 

Everything you do 

Is judged by your peers 

You'll be living with labels 

For four painful years 

If you are athletic or pretty 

You have the upper hand 

Since those who are popular 

Are the ones who rule the land 

If you are none of the above 

I'm sorry to say 

You'll be living in misery 

For one thousand four hundred and sixty days 


Abby handed Jules a bag and pointed at the giant cross image on her shirt. Both girls were currently inside one of the unoccupied rooms on the seventh floor. 

"We can't have you going to dinner looking like that. You'll be an instant target. Also, you should remove the turtleneck. I know you don't like your Peccator mark, but you will need it to blend in." 

Jules opened the bag to find a Dalmellington High sweatshirt smelling strongly of detergent.

Abby turned around to let her get dressed. "I made sure to find something modest for you." 

"Thank you. I really like it." 

While Jules changed her clothes, Abby gave her a quick rundown on the world of a Peccator. 

"The first thing you need to be aware of is the importance of hierarchy. You must always respect and submit to Peccators who are connected to a higher level Dealer." 

Jules was already starting to feel uneasy. There had to be hundreds of Peccators.

"How am I supposed to know everyone's rank?" 

"It's something you pick up after being at the academy for a while. You will have me around so I can tell you who to avoid." 

"I don't understand why everyone can't treat each other equally. I feel like I am living within a monarchy."

"A more accurate term would be corrupt monarchy." Abby corrected. "You must remember what type of place this is. It's full of selfish people who only care about their own gains. Equality is out of the question."

Abby turned around to examine Jules' appearance. 

"You should untie your hair. The more you look disordered, the better." 

Jules sighed before taking off her hair tie. Her light brown hair fell a few inches past her shoulders and curled slightly from being in a bun all day. 

"Why the sigh? I think you look much prettier with your hair down." Abby took one more look and finally approved. "Alright, remember the double O's: be ordinary and be obedient." 

"Yes m'am." 

Abby turned around as they were about to leave the room and held Jules' face in her hands. 

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