Chapter Fifteen

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Don't you think its funny

That people will throw tons of money

To watch and read about fairy tales

With things like mermaids and flying whales

Don't you think its funny

That when a child is crying, nose runny

Her mom will say "Superman is by your side."

With the man who touched her still lurking outside

Don't you think it's funny

When a boy finds a dead bunny

His father will say "It's in heaven now, don't fear"

Before he goes and kills a dozen baby deer

Or maybe it becomes funny in the end

When you realized you lived in a world of pretend

But it won't be you laughing at the joke

But the criminals and monsters you hid in the smoke

Blissful ignorance can only last so long

Awareness of the cruel world is what makes you strong


Jules woke up to whispering. Once she overcame her drowsy daze, she quickly realized that she was not in her room. The cream colored walls were decorated with fairy lights, posters of Harry Styles, and cut out images of models from magazines. The covers that kept her warm did not feel like the crocheted blanket her mother had made for her last birthday.

She slowly sat up and grimaced as her muscles ached with the movement. Confusion began to set in. At the foot of the bed sat a girl whose thin brown hair was instantly recognizable. It was Abby with her face in her hands, sniffling softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Abby?" Jules' voice was hoarse and her throat burned harshly.

Abby's head shot up and her watery eyes stared as Jules like a deer in headlights. Abby scrambled towards Jules and tightly cupped her hands with her own.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. You're my cherished friend. I never meant for this to happen." Tears continued to roll off her cheeks.

At first Jules was concerned. She had never seen Abby so emotional. It didn't take long for the concern to quickly morph into fear as the memories of last night began to come back to her. In her peaceful slumber, Jules had been released of all her anxiety as if a tight rubber band had been pulled away, relieving its suffocation. Now that she was back to reality, it felt as if the rubber band was released making everything snap back to her at full force. It was an invisible whiplash.

Jules jumped off the bed and scanned the floor wildly before she found a white trash bin. She hurled whatever was left in her stomach. Her already sore throat burned even more.

"Jules!" Abby crouched down by her sickly friend and tied up her hair with one of the scrunchies decorating her wrist before she disappeared into the bathroom. She came back and handed Jules a glass of water and a pill.

"Here, drink this. It will make you feel better."

After last night's events, Jules didn't know if she could trust Abby anymore. She stared at the red pill wearily and decided to only take the water.

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