Chapter Nine

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The old would frequently tell the youth 

That sometimes it is better to not know the truth 

The truth can be too painful

And act like a knife 

Get too close

It will scar you for life


Ever since Jules got invited to Randall's party, everything at school became more rowdy. Many students she had never seen before would congratulate her. She didn't understand why it was such a popular and exciting topic. It was only her first day and things were already quite overwhelming. 

Jules tried to bike as fast as she could after school and let out a long sigh of relief once she got home. She was hoping that her school experience would be smooth, but maybe it was normal for a school setting to be chaotic and eventful.  

To ease her mind, she took a long shower before praying the rosary in order to offer up her worries to God. She felt better once she was done. Praying the rosary reminded her that God would always be there for her. 

The sound of keys rattling instantly brought a smile to Jules' face. Her mother was home. 

Ms. Moore walked in with three brown bags dangling from her arms. 

"Hello dear, how was your day?" Her mother asked before giving her a peck on the cheek.

"It was different." 

Jules tried peaking into the brown bags but her mother quickly moved them away before she could. 

"No, peaking. It's a surprise for your birthday." 

"Let me guess, you bought ingredients for cherry pie." 

Her mom sighed, "You don't let me surprise you anymore."

"It's hard to keep it a surprise when you do it every year. Doesn't mean I won't love your pie just as much." 

"I've been bless with such a great daughter," her mother gave her another kiss on the cheek, "tell me more about your day." 

"I got invited to a party that will take place at a boy's home Friday night." 

Her mother paused putting away the groceries. 


Jules had a feeling that her mother would not be fond with her going. 

"It's okay if you don't want me to go."

"Do you wan't to go?" 

Jules thought about it. "I don't know what I want. I've never been to a party before."

Her mother paused in thought. 

"What's the boy's name?" 

"Randall," Jules replied. 

Jules knew the answer just by observing her mother's facial expression. 

"I love you sweet pea, I really do and I wan't nothing more but for you to be happy. But I don't think you going to this party is a good idea. Kids these days like to drink and smoke at parties. I would be worried sick if you went." 

"Alright momma, I won't go. I told Randall that I would ask you first anyhow." 

Jules could care less about the party but was more worried about having to reject Randall's invite. She hoped that wouldn't put her on the academy students' bad side, but it wasn't like she had a choice in the matter anyway. After all, it was a sin to disobey your mother.   

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