This was requested by @Cassians_mate I hope you like it, sorry it's a bit all over the place I was rushing to get this posted :)
You and Cassian have been happily mated for a few years and you have a daughter. Cassian goes to the Illyrian mountains on a 'mission' but you find out that Nesta is also with him...
You stand, watching as Cassian hugs your five-year-old daughter, her arms around his neck, her sobs muffled as she cries into it.
'Don't go Daddy!' she wails.
'Shhh,' he soothes her. 'I won't be gone long baby; I'll be back before you know it.'
She continues to cry as Cassian hands her over to you and presses a lingering kiss on your lips. You can't help the tears starting to form behind your own eyes. He's going again.
When he pulls away, your husband's eyes are full of regret. 'I'm sorry I have to go again, Azriel said that this mission was inevitable.'
'I know,' you reply. 'I just can't believe that you're going again; you've only been back for a month since the last one.'
He sighs and leans his forehead against yours. 'I know sweetheart.'
After convincing Addy that her dad wouldn't be gone for long, you stand at the front door of your townhouse in Velaris and wave goodbye.
He won't be long, he won't be long, you repeat to yourself over and over again.
You and Addy spend the next few days doing anything to keep your minds off the fact that Cassian went on a mission and none of you had any idea when he would return. You baked about a house full of cookies and cleaned every inch of the house. You even went out for breakfast with Feyre and Mor every morning.
But the nights brought back the fact that Cassian was gone.
'When is daddy coming home?' Addy chokes out through her sobs.
You sigh and brush a strand of dark hair out of her face. She looked just like him. You walk out to the kitchen to get her a glass of warm milk to calm her down; and are surprised to hear urgent knocking on the front door. You quickly open it and Mor storms into the house.
'Where's Addy?' she asks. You have never seen her this angry before.
'Mor? What's wrong?' You stand confused with a glass of warm milk in your hand.
'I need to talk to you, but Addy can't hear,' Mor whispers.
'She's in her room; I was putting her to bed.'
Mor nods. 'I'll wait out here until she is asleep.'
Confused and a little worried, you walk back to Addy's room and find her already fast asleep; tears still wet on her flushed cheeks. Poor baby exhausted herself crying. You leave the glass of milk on her nightstand and switch off the light, closing the bedroom door.
Outside, Mor is pacing around the living room. You bite the inside of your cheek just like you do whenever you are nervous.
Her head snaps up when she hears the bedroom door close. 'You should probably sit-down Y/N.' She says and looks at you through sorrowful eyes.
You sit down on one of the couches.
Mor takes a deep breath. 'Cassian's mission finished two days ago, but when he didn't return Az got worried and went to go find him.'
Your heart hammers painfully in your chest. Cassian.
'He did find him,' she continues. 'With Nesta.'
Everything stops. No sounds, no movement, no nothing.
'What...what were they...' you trail off, terrified of the answer.
'We don't know, they were standing talking in the forest so naturally Azriel thought they were fighting, but they weren't; Nesta was smiling.'
You clench your fists, nails digging into your palm. 'Where is he?'
'They're at the House of Wind, with Rhy-'
You don't let her finish. 'Please stay with Addy, I'll be back.' You ask Mor before you walk outside and fly to the House.
Everyone in the Inner Circle is in the large dining room except Mor. Nesta and Elain are there too.
Everyone goes silent as you enter the room.
Your eyes immediately find Cassian's. They aren't filled with regret or any emotion that he should be feeling right now after what he did.
'What the hell Cassian?!' you spit.
'Y/N listen to me, I can explain,' he says.
'Why were you with Nesta two days after your mission?' you yell at him. 'I have spent the last week taking care of Addy, trying to keep her distracted and happy during the time that you were gone, not even having time to mentally calm myself down even; and then I hear that you have spent two days after your mission spending time with her!' As you say the last words to look at Nesta.
She's grinning, and it makes you want to rip her throat out.
Feyre must have heard your thoughts because she steps closer to Nesta.
'Y/N listen to me! I wasn't spending time with Nesta voluntarily; I had to help her at the camp, the males haven't been treating her fairly and I had to put an end to it.' He sounds exasperated. 'I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you I just didn't remember in all the confusion.'
Everyone seems to have snuck out during your argument and it's just you and Cassian standing in the dinning room.
You sigh, with relief or exhaustion or maybe both, and finally let the tears that you've been holding back all week fall.
Cassian is with you in a moment, wrapping his strong arms around you and kissing your head. You bury your face in his chest and sob.
'You and Addy are my whole world; I would never never do anything to hurt you.' He whispers.
You nod and he silently picks you up and flies you home.
Mor almost screams at Cassian when you two arrive at the apartment but you stop her and tell her everything was alright. She nods when you're finished and hugs Cassian and then leaves, but not before warning Cassian that if he ever does something to hurt me or Addy then she would hurt his most precious area. Cassian flinches when she says that.
Cassian goes to kiss Addy while I get ready for bed and soon we are both lying in the darkness, his arms wrapped protectively around me, one hand playing with my hair.
'I'm sorry Cass,' you say. 'I know you would never do anything like that, I was just so worried about you and so tired from hiding my pain from Addy that I assumed the worst.'
'Shh it's alright sweetheart, I'm here now. And we're both Addy's parents, I don't have any missions for the next while so we can spend some family time together.'
You smile and kiss his lips. 'I love you.'
'I love you too sweetheart.'
I hope you guys liked this, again it was a bit meh but I'm working on a short series of imagines of how the boys would react if you told them you were pregnant with their child so the first one will be up soon and hopefully it will be better than this. Thank you Cassian_mate for the prompt!

ACOTAR - Imagines
FanfictionA collection of imagines of our favourite acotar characters :) I'm obsessed with all these characters and love writing about them! Comment if you want a specific imagine and I'll try my best to write one that you like. Hope you guys like it xx HI...