Let them know

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{AN: I know that will be strange but as I know in mexico families some times have many children so :Leon has 6 siblings and with him 7, 2 older twins (Miguel and Julio)  2 middle twins (Lina and Chavela or Chavy) 1 older brother Daniel and a twin sister (frida) Im not sure but as I saw in many movies a family has more than 2 kids so I thought that it could be a good idea}
Vilu's POV
I'm so happy everything is fine I'm in the 5th month of my pregnancy and thank god I'm fine. I have only one problem I haven't tell my dad yet. He hasn't Instagram or something else so he don't know about the pregnancy. So Leon and I dicided that is a good idea to go to Argentina to tell to my father and Leon's parents and family. So we made our suitcases and now we are landing on Argentina. I was sleeping on the hole flight. When we arrived at Leon's house he stopped me behind the door
L- Well...you know that my mum
V- Doesn't like me. Yeah I know
L- My sister told me that my family came from Mexico my uncles my cousins and my grandparents
V- So what we're going to do
L- Well... My grandma Chavela likes you a lot and she will be very happy with our news. So we will tell her first. And then we will have a help
V- OK. Let's get in?
L- Let's get in
Leon's POV
We get in but everyone was in the garden only my sister and my grandma Chavela
L- Grandma
C- Leon how are you. Violetta wow you are beautiful!!!
V- Thank you
L- well grandma we have something important to tell you
C- Well
Vilu's POV
C- Well
And then I moved my sweater and I show her me bell
C- Dios mio. Are you pregnant
V- Yes
C- Congratulations
L- We need your help
C- Sure what is it for
L- Well...mum doesn't like a lot Violetta and she will not be so happy as grandma Laila( Mother of Leon's mom)
C- those two are similar. How other knew the BIG NEWS
L- well Frida(Leon's twin sister) and Miguel (Leon's older brother) how helped me with something
C- ok. Lets go to the others
Lmum- Leon I'm so happy to see you
L- Hello mum.
Lmum- well your dad is downstairs
L- ok we are going to my bedroom to leave our things
Lmum- ok
Leon's POV
I saw that Violetta was ready to cry after my mothers behavior so I said that we we will be upstairs. We went to my old bedroom. And when I closed the door and I saw Violetta who was really upset
When I was ready to hug her my siblings came in
Julio: Hey you two
L- Hi
Ch- how are you
L- well..
Lina-arent you burning out its hot outside ( to Violetta)
V-should we tell them
L- if you want to
V- Well
She said and she moved her sweater
Sibl- Are You Pregnant( not Miguel and Chavy)
L- Well (nobbed) BUT Mum And Dad don't know yet
Dan- who knows
L- Miguel, Chavy and grandma Chavela
Lina- Mum will not like it
L- i know
Lmum- Food is ready
My siblings went downstairs
V- I don't want to go
L- I know but we have to tell them our news
I said and I rubbed her belly
V- ok
We went downstairs we sat on the table and we started eating. When we finished the food we tell them the news. My dad was very happy all the family hugged us and congratulate is expected my mum
Lmum- Enough I knew that you could be a problem for my son
V- What?
Lmum- Don't What to me. You you got involved my son. You got pregnant to got him and make sure that he will not leave you
L- Mum what are you saying
Lmum- Leon i heard you when you rmtalked to your sister and you tell her that you are arguing a lot 6 months ago. And now this woman came to us to tell us that she is pregnant. She just use you.
V- I use him? Listen I love Leon and I love him either if he was a barman I don't care if he is famous or not because I met him when we were at the studio. I don't care if we live in the most poor city or in Los Angeles or in Mars. All I want is to go home next to me. Because there are and those people in the world we live in
Everybody was speechless
V- Excuse me
L- where are you going
V- in some peaceful place
She said and she left. I didn't say anything I just followed her. 
L- Vilu wait
V- Leon I can't stand it anymore
L- what do you mean?
V- I know that yourum doesn't like me and I feel that I can't stand it anymore so I will stay in a hotel
L- I will come with you
V- No stay with your family. Or your mum will hate me more
L- Vilu it's not like that
V- Leon you're kidding me or your self
L- Vilu...
V- Well I'm going to my house to tell Angie and...
L- I'll come with you
V- As you want but go to your house. Can you take my thinks to the hotel?
L- Ok

Thanks for reading my book

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