He's back

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V- What are you doing here
T- I just came to see the love of my life
V- I have a kid and a fiance.
J- What happened here
T-  I m not going to let happen the same thing that happened 5 years ago. You already get her. Now it's my turn!!!!
V- May I remind you that I'm not an object am a human being and I have the right to choose whatever I want!!
They were both speechless both
V- Leon was always my choice. The only person I ever loved, the person that I have a child with and I'm not regret it!
I closed the door in his face and I went to my baby's room to relax a bit. Leon was downstairs passing his time. Martin was a bit anxious I checked his temperature and after 3 minutes Martin's temperature was 40° I called Leon and her run upstairs
L- What happened?
V- Martin has fever
L- How high?
V- 40°
L- I'm calling the hospital
We drove to the hospital and we went to the pediatrician.
The nurses took him away and my heart started running fast. My baby was burning up

Sorry for not updating I didn't remember the password and I Just got it back so I ll try to update more often 💜💜💜💜💜

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