Mother's day

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Leon's POV
Today is mother's day and I decided to not wake up Vilu so I took Martin to the living room and I left violetta sleep a little longer as it is her first time celebrating mother's day. I took Martin to his trolley and I went to a flower shop I took many flowers and I told them to bring them home. As I was walking home with Martin some fangirls stopped me
Girl1- Wow are you Leon Vargas
L- Yes I am
Girl2- How is this little cutie
L-this is my son
Girl1-ohh he is so cute, just like you. Violetta is his mother
L- Yes. He is mine and Vilu's
Girl2- Aren't you 2 broken up
L-Yes we were but we are back together one year and smt now
Girl1- Congratulations
Then me phone started ringing it was Vilu
L- Sorry girls we have to answer that
Girls- Okay Bye Leon
They left
L-hey my love
V- Tell me please that you have Martin
L- Yes I have Martin
V- Damn Leon Vargas you scared me. Where are you?
L- We have a surprise for you. In 2 mins we will be home
V-ok bye I love you
We hanged up and after 2 mins I arrived home. Violetta had her coffee on her hands and she was walking left and right nervously.
V-Hey you are back
She said us and she ran into my arms
L- sorry for scaring you but today is your speech day
She looked at me very confused
V- What do you mean
L-today is the first time you are celebrating this day
V-I don't follow
V- OMG. I am a mom as well I'm celebrating
L- Yes for first time
I said to her and we kissed passionately.
Then she went to Martin who was sleeping.
V-so what do you have in your mind.
L- well I have a surprise for you. And then we will have lunch. Then I will leave Martin to my sister and then we will celebrate our selves
I told her and closed my eye to her.
The hours passed I left Martin to my sister and when I arrived home I saw Vilu with her robe and the flowers I got her in her hands.
V- Leon they are beautiful.
L- Just like you.
I told her and then she left the flowers in the table and she came closer to me. She put her hands to my neck. And she kissed me
V-You are the best man in the world. Do you know that ?
L- Really?
V- yes and you don't have any idea how much I love you
L-Yes hah. Show it to me
I told her and she jumped into my arms then we leadad to our bedroom and is obvious what we did after we finish she fall asleep on my chest

That was the chapter it was unplanned but as it's mother's day I wrote this little chapter 30 minutes before I fall asleep. Tomorrow school starts so maybe I will be out of Instagram and Wattpad for some weeks. SORRY😐
Instagram: _.leonetta.jortini._

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